Pubdate: Thu, 07 Jan 2010 Source: Simon Fraser News (CN BC, Edu) Copyright: 2010 Simon Fraser University Contact: Details: CENTRE TO STUDY MENTAL HEALTH, ADDICTION, INEQUALITY How do the intersections of gender, race, poverty and other social factors affect services and outcomes for people with mental health and addiction issues? That's one of the questions SFU's new Vancouver campus Centre for the Study of Gender, Social Inequities and Mental Health plans to address. The centre will investigate why there is unequal access to services and health outcomes for people with mental illness and substance-use problems. It will also help develop programs, policies and interventions to resolve these issues, with the goal of improving adult mental health both in Canada and abroad. SFU health scientists Marina Morrow and Elliot Goldner and the Mental Health Commission of Canada's Howard Chodos will lead the centre, which will include more than 30 national and international co-investigators and collaborators. Morrow, a community psychologist, specializes in research related to gender and mental health and mental-health reform. "I would say women are still under-served-most services don't take gender into account," she says. "Yet within the female population, women are more at risk of sexual exploitation and violence, particularly if they suffer from mental health issues." Centre activities will focus on mental health reform; recovery and housing; reproductive mental health; violence, mental health and substance use; and the criminal justice system, mental health and substance use. "The centre has three main functions," explains Morrow. "To foster research in the key priority areas, to develop knowledge exchange that will encourage implementation of our research findings, and to mentor and train students and community-based researchers who can build capacity in the field of social inequities and mental health." "There's a pressing need for this centre," she says, "because there has been very little attention to the ways in which social and structural determinants affect people with mental health issues." The centre is being funded with nearly $2 million from the Institute of Gender and Health, part of the Canadian Institutes of Health Research. - --- MAP posted-by: Jo-D