Pubdate: Sun, 07 Feb 2010
Source: Chico Enterprise-Record (CA)
Copyright: 2010 Chico Enterprise-Record
Note: Letters from newspaper's circulation area receive publishing priority
Author: Chris Nicodemus


I have an idea for our "progressives" on the City Council regarding
medical marijuana dispensaries. I suggest that those City Council
members in favor of these pot shops set up a temporary, let's say 90
days, storefront in their front yards and see how that goes. Better
yet, grow your own medical marijuana garden in your own backyard and
enjoy the stench from your skunk weed and near harvest time deal with
armed thieves who will be sneaking into your backyard to steal your

If you survive that, open up medical marijuana dispensaries around
City Plaza. Heck, you might as well sell the stuff right out of your
own City Council Chambers right across the street from the plaza. See
what that does for businesses in downtown Chico.

Residents of Chico, please recall some of the past City Council
fiascoes such as lawsuits that have needlessly cost our city millions
of dollars; infill projects that are forcing people to live on top of
each other; needless and expensive roundabouts; the Wal-Mart extortion
attempt; and the obvious desire to turn our nice town into little
Berkeley. We have the chance to place common-sense individuals back on
the City Council this November. Let's get Chico back on track and
return us to normalcy. We can no longer afford to live with another
liberal regime.

Chris Nicodemus, Chico 
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MAP posted-by: Jo-D