Pubdate: Thu, 11 Feb 2010 Source: Abbotsford News (CN BC) Copyright: 2010 Abbotsford News Contact: Website: Details: Author: Vikki Hopes ABBOTSFORD POLICE'S OPERATION LOVESTOP TARGETS THUGS A campaign targeting gang associates and drug activity in the downtown core has resulted in Abbotsford Police issuing $18,000 in tickets since Sunday. Const. Ian MacDonald said Operation Lovestop is aimed at driving out the criminal element that has no business being in Abbotsford. "We don't want them to feel the love anymore," MacDonald said of the campaign's title. "If they have love for Abbotsford, we're not reciprocating." He said tickets have been issued for any infraction possible under the Motor Vehicle Act, the Liquor Control and Licensing Act, the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act, and the Criminal Code. These have included such things as vehicle deficiencies and failing to stop at a stop sign - for which police might otherwise issue only a warning. "Where in other instances your action might be of an educational nature with a regular upstanding citizen, we're taking a zero-tolerance approach (to people who are here for gang-related or drug activity)," MacDonald said. He said among the people issued tickets was a UN Gang associate from Surrey and those with a background in gangs and drugs from Mission, Langley and Vancouver. The campaign will continue through the Olympics, if not longer. MacDonald said it's all part of the Abbotsford Police goal of suppressing drug- and gang-related violence this year. "If you don't shine a light on people you deem undesirable in your community, they're going to stay." - --- MAP posted-by: Jo-D