Pubdate: Mon, 15 Feb 2010 Source: Gabriola Sounder (CN BC) Copyright: 2010 The Gabriola Sounder Contact: Details: Author: Kevin Duff RE: RECENT POT BUSTS Dear Editor, I wished to comment on the stories (covered by both the local papers) regarding the police's recent campaign against marijuana growers. I want to remind readers and members of our community that there is another perspective on this issue, and truly, its position bears more weight than the current "law enforcement" perspective. In 1972, the "Report of the Le Dain Commission of Inquiry into the Non-Medical Use of Drugs" was released after being commissioned by the federal government. It was a most thorough document, covering and researching almost every imaginable aspect of marijuana use and users (the complete document can be easily found with a Google search). The final report recommended that cannabis be removed from the Narcotic Control Act and that the provinces implement controls on possession and cultivation, similar to those governing the use of alcohol. Although the report was widely praised for its thoroughness and thoughtfulness, its conclusions were largely ignored by the federal government. Recent Angus Reid polls (June 07, October 07, and May 08) indicate that the majority of Canadians (55 percent, 51 percent, and 53 percent respectively) support legalization, not just decriminalization. (As an aside, these and many other publicly available statistics, especially the recent HST situation, give strength to the assertion that we do not live in a democracy but an oligarchy). Also noteworthy, in this discussion, is that the roots of cannabis prohibition seem to be either based on W.R. Hearst and DuPont's attempts at cornering the rope market, or Harry Anslinger's racist agenda of controlling "deviant minorities." At the time, 1934, it was Mexicans and African-Americans. I think that it is very important to note that we are regularly reported to on the criminal (and violent) activities of various organized crime groups like the "Red Scorpions", "The UN Gang" and other outlaw gangs. When the local police forces swoop down and arrest people (the classic "Ma and Pa" operations) that grow (sometimes even exclusively) medical marijuana, they force sick people to spend their money buying product that originates or passes through organized crime groups' hands. In fact, when the police stop the operation of any non-organized-crime affiliated grower (which I believe, describes all the operations that the police interrupted on Gabriola) they strengthen the market position, and hence the financial muscle of the proverbial "Bad Guys". Many of the people that I have spoken to lately have voiced suspicions that the recent police activity against small marijuana producers is being somehow orchestrated by a specific outlaw organization. The very sad part of this is that sick and dying people on Gabriola (and elsewhere) may lose accessibility to the medicine that makes them comfortable. On a different note, the recent case of Marc Emery, being arrested in Canada, for doing business that is legal in Canada-selling cannabis seeds, (He even paid all his taxes on it, declaring openly what he was doing to Revenue Canada, and anyone else.) by Canadian police, because the US government requested it, is a powerful sign that in this country, we apparently don't have enough sovereignty to write our own laws for our own citizens. Often, people make the error of assuming that a statement made to the press by a government official or the police automatically carries the weight of truth. I would suggest that the opposite is more likely, especially when it concerns marijuana. I want to point out that the assertion of the police that this spate of raids reduces the availability of drugs to our youth is wrong; what it does do is leave a small vacuum in the market that becomes occupied quickly by a supplier that may be affiliated with people we wouldn't want in our neighborhoods. So, let's urge our officials to behave like this is a democracy, and do what MOST Canadians want: legalize marijuana. The upside to that would be that the police and the judiciary could now expend their resources in a much more efficient manner, perhaps interrupting the flow of drugs that actually do negatively impact our society. Respectfully, Kevin Duff - --- MAP posted-by: Jo-D