Pubdate: Wed, 17 Mar 2010
Source: Press and Journal, The (UK)
Copyright: 2010 Aberdeen Journals Ltd


US Man To Publicise Film At Rockness

AN INVERNESS councillor yesterday criticised organisers of the
Highlands' biggest music festival for booking a former drug smuggler
to appear at this year's event.

Howard Marks, who served seven years in a US jail for cannabis
smuggling and was at one time said to have controlled 10% of the
world's hashish trade, will be pulling pints in a specially-built pub
at RockNess in June.

He will be joined by actor Rhys Ifans, who plays Marks in an upcoming
film based on his autobiography, Mr Nice.

Marks was sentenced to 25 years in jail in 1988 but was released on
parole in 1995. He is now an advocate for the legalisation of cannabis.

His appearance at the festival, which around 35,000 music fans attend
each day, was branded a bad idea by a local councillor.

Norrie Donald, who lives at the village of Dores, where the festival
is held, said: "I would not be in favour of a drug dealer, ex though
he may be, advertising his film about drugs at the festival.

"This may lead young people down the wrong road.

"I would most definitely discourage him from coming to RockNess. This
is a bad influence."

The organisers of RockNess could not be contacted for comment last

Northern Constabulary and the Highland Drug and Alcohol Partnership
declined to comment on the booking of Marks for RockNess.

He is reported to have said he will not be encouraging music fans to
take drugs.

Marks was quoted as saying: "RockNess is very strict about drug
searches. If there is a cloud of smoke in my pub, it won't be because
I have brought anything." 
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MAP posted-by: Jo-D