Pubdate: Wed, 17 Mar 2010
Source: Sturgis Journal, The (MI)
Copyright: 2010 The Sturgis Journal
Author: Terry Katz
Cited: Sturgis Planning Board & City Commission
Bookmark: (Cannabis - Medicinal - U.S.)


Sturgis, Mich. - The Sturgis Planning Board voted 7-1 Tuesday to 
approve language in a proposed ordinance amendment that deals with 
where medical marijuana manufacturing and distribution facilities may 
be located within city limits.

The proposal now goes to the city commission for future consideration.

Planning board member Jon Good was opposed to the proposal, stating 
it was too restrictive for manufacturing. Good also said, "there was 
no room for compromise."

Planning board members who cast yes votes were Mike Wilson, Michael 
Brothers, Warren Adkins, Pete Stage, Don Eaton, Michael Caywood and 
John Mikulenas, chairman.

Sturgis Deputy Police Chief Dave Ives and city attorney Rob Pattison 
were prepared to help answer inquiries. No one in the audience had 
comments or questions.

The special land use language would not affect licensed caregivers, 
who can be authorized to grow marijuana in their homes to serve up to 
five patients.

They would be permitted to grow and carry marijuana for patients 
under a specific set of conditions.

According to language for special land use, no medical marijuana 
manufacturing and distribution facility is permitted within 1,000 
feet of a church, a drug-free school zone, child care facility or 
residence or area zoned for residential use.

Distance is measured by following a straight line without regard to 
intervening buildings.

The full proposed ordinance includes other provisions and 
restrictions on both licensed patients and caregivers, including 
prohibiting the use of marijuana in public places and requiring 
annual registration with the Sturgis Police Department. 
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