Pubdate: Mon, 22 Mar 2010 Source: Vancouver Sun (CN BC) Copyright: 2010 The Vancouver Sun Contact: Website: Details: Author: Neil Boyd, Special to the Sun Note: Neil Boyd is professor and associate director of the School of Criminology at Simon Fraser University. HOW PM CAN RESPOND TO THOSE MARIJUANA QUESTIONS Prime Minister Stephen Harper threw down a challenge to millions of computer-savvy Canadians last Tuesday when he invited their questions through the medium of YouTube. And Canadians complied, throwing a horde of complaints, quizzes and diatribes at the prime minister, on topics ranging from climate change to prorogation. Perhaps surprisingly, the most common questions focused on his government's approach to the control of marijuana. I thought it might be helpful if I provided him with a little advice by suggesting responses to some popular questions. It appears he was paying attention. Mr. Harper, Why aren't we keeping marijuana away from children by controlling it as we control alcohol and tobacco? Why are we encouraging gangs and crime by making marijuana so profitable? Why are you ignoring how ineffectual the current policy is? Anna, from Ottawa Dear Anna: My government wants very much to keep marijuana out of the hands of children. You may know that I told reporters last year that we "have to do something about the drug crisis in this country" and that since the Liberals started talking about decriminalizing marijuana "we have seen a rapid expansion of the drug trade." Now I know that people who conduct surveys will tell you that most forms of drug use have actually been declining, with the exception of cannabis, and that, in any event, cannabis is a much less dangerous drug than tobacco or alcohol. And I know, despite what I said, that there isn't any good evidence that ties expansion of the illicit trade in cannabis to Liberal pronouncements regarding the possibility of decriminalization. But I do think that we're all entitled to our own opinions, irrespective of credible science. Take Stockwell, for example. He believes that the Earth was created by God in seven days. And if he wants to believe that, we should all respect his right to do so. Your second question about profitability misses the point that gangs and crime would exist even if we took marijuana off the table. There are plenty of other opportunities for organized criminal activity. Yes, it's true that prohibition of cannabis can put profits in the hands of young thugs but I'm quite sure that there are also plenty of very decent people who are making money from the trade in cannabis. Your third question regarding the "ineffectual" nature of current policy unfortunately misses the mark again. Our polling has told us that getting tough on people who cultivate marijuana is winning us votes. And I don't think that policies that win governments votes are ineffectual. Our policies play well with an increasingly large population of poorly informed and somewhat fearful Canadians. And like Stockwell, these folks have just as much right to their opinions as you do. Stephen Harper, your Prime Minister Neil Boyd is professor and associate director of the School of Criminology at Simon Fraser University. - --- MAP posted-by: Jo-D