Pubdate: Mon, 19 Apr 2010 Source: Times, The (UK) Copyright: 2010 Times Newspapers Ltd Contact: Details: Referenced: Author: Geoffrey Alderman MEPHEDRONE BAN IS IRRATIONAL RESPONSE In a liberal democracy, why should the State decide what adults can inject, imbibe, ingest or inhale? Sir, The criminalisation of the possession of mephedrone (report, April 16) represents the triumph of irrationality over good sense. The manner in which this has come about illustrates why we are unable to conduct a sensible national discussion on drugs-related issues. The role of the police in what passed for a discussion is disconcerting to say the least. Long before the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs had even begun to consider the issue, some police officers were stopping and even arresting citizens for possession of mephedrone and were thus meddling in matters that were then of no legitimate police concern. The ACMD appears to have been bullied, for political reasons, into making a rushed, ill-informed decision. The decision and its over-hasty endorsement by the political establishment were based on a view - that the use of "psychoactive" drugs is inherently wrong and should and can be stamped out - that has never been the subject of national debate. As a responsible adult, I object to the State telling me what I can inject, imbibe, ingest or inhale. These are inherently personal decisions that ought, in a liberal democracy, to be mine alone to take. Professor Geoffrey Alderman London NW9 - --- MAP posted-by: Richard Lake