Pubdate: Fri, 23 Apr 2010
Source: Journal Advocate, The (Sterling, CO)
Copyright: 2010 MediaNews Group, Inc.


Tuesday was April 20, "4-20." It was marked by many in the state as a 
loosely-controlled smoke-out, a day with rallies at college campuses 
and the state capitol celebrating the legalizing of marijuana.

It is a drive that is before its time, and likewise confuses the 
existing issue.

Voters approved medical use of marijuana under strict conditions. 
Qualifications are not as simple as a headache or anxiety. The number 
of people applying to be medical marijuana users is skyrocketing far 
beyond expectations. It is also suspected that many of these 
applicants have found ways to manipulate the system.

We do have to ask how many of these protesters Tuesday, especially 
those on college campuses, are aware of the ramifications of the 
protests. Even in Colorado, marijuana use outside of licensed medical 
need is illegal. Even as a medical patient, the federal government 
still has issues with the use of pot.  Rebelling students need to 
remember that decisions made in adulthood can have long-lasting 
ramifications. A drug conviction, no matter how small, can follow a 
person for years after the fact.

What if that one protest and resulting arrest, or even just 
recognized association, kept a shining scholar out of a graduate 
program, or a manager is denied a promotion because of the past? 
Extreme as the scenario is, it is also likely. Students are 
potentially throwing away college and occupational investments for 
the defiance of a state and federal law.

Locally, the Sterling city council and Logan County Commissioners 
have established moratoriums on the opening of marijuana 
dispensaries. The city, at least, is waiting to see how the state 
legislature will act.  However, we ask if local ordinances should go 
further than that. Drug paraphernalia can be had in mainstream and 
borderline stores in Sterling and other communities. Stores need to 
be prohibited from selling products that can be used for marijuana 
use. Short of that, the community and its leaders are hypocritical in 
its approach to marijuana use.

We won't argue the use of marijuana for medical use, but we do see 
this has devolved from a slippery slope to a free fall into complete 
consent of marijuana use.

Earth Day a reminder of what's important

We can debate the credibility of global warming. We can spend our 
days arguing over carbon credits, the use of fossil fuels and how 
quickly we can move to renewable energy. In all of these discussions, 
there is one point most of us can agree on. We can be better stewards 
of our planet.

If nothing else, Earth Day is a yearly reminder of how important the 
earth's resources are. There are ways we can all improve how we live; 
monitored and rationed watering of lawns and flowers, driving when 
you need to instead of just because you want to, turning off 
appliances not in use, using electrical appliances less, and the list 
goes on. Each of us can likely reduce our energy consumption. It is a 
choice. It is a choice that will have long-term impact on each of us.
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MAP posted-by: Richard Lake