Pubdate: Fri, 23 Apr 2010
Source: Peace Arch News (CN BC)
Copyright: 2010 Peace Arch News
Author: Tracy Holmes
Bookmark: (Corruption - Outside U.S.)


A Vancouver police constable is facing charges this week in 
connection with "disturbing and disgraceful" activities uncovered 
over the past two months.

"I have something to share with you today that I know you will find 
as shocking and disturbing as I do," Chief Const. Jim Chu said 
Wednesday in announcing charges against White Rock resident Peter 
Hodson. "Just a few hours ago, we arrested one of our own."

Hodson, 31, was arrested and charged - and fired - that morning.

Describing the alleged offences as those of "a single rogue officer," 
Chu said investigators "observed behaviour that suggested Hodson was 
trafficking street-level amounts of marijuana both on- and off-duty."

Hodson has been charged with trafficking marijuana and two counts of 
breach of trust; one for selling drugs and the other for illegal use 
of a police database. Hodson was also charged with break-and-enter 
with the intent to commit extortion, in connection with street-level 
drug-trafficking allegations.

In Vancouver Provincial Court Thursday, Hodson was remanded. He is 
due back in court Monday.

Chu said an "extraordinary investigation" into Hodson's activities 
began two months ago - 18 months after Hodson was charged with 
impaired driving, a matter that is still before the courts.

"We knew we had a case that would alarm the department and the 
public," Chu said. "We had to take immediate and thorough action to 
determine whether the allegations were true and if they were, if the 
rot was confined to this one officer."

Approximately 30 Vancouver officers were involved in the 
investigation; the RCMP provided assistance and investigative 
oversight, Chu said.

Chu said while the VPD is shaken by the "abhorrent incident," there 
is no evidence other police officers were involved in the offenses, 
which are alleged to have occurred between Dec. 4, 2009 and April 20, 
2010. He named one other individual, Oscar Lapitan, as a co-accused 
of Hodson's who is also charged with trafficking marijuana.

Hodson was a Vancouver officer for less than five years.

On the Peninsula, he attended White Rock Christian Academy, where he 
played basketball with the Warriors. He reportedly also played for 
Langara College and University of B.C. teams. He was also a founder 
of Under the Reading Tree, a charitable organization that promotes 
literacy and education in Africa.

- - with files from CTV
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