Pubdate: Sun, 02 May 2010
Source: Chico Enterprise-Record (CA)
Copyright: 2010 Chico Enterprise-Record
Note: Letters from newspaper's circulation area receive publishing priority
Author: Toni Scott
Bookmark: (Cannabis - California)
Bookmark: (Cannabis - Medicinal - U.S.)


CHICO -- The Chico City Council will consider a draft ordinance 
Tuesday night that calls for the regulation of residential marijuana 
grows while identifying areas within the city where the cultivation, 
processing and distribution of medicinal marijuana may occur.

Under the nine-page ordinance, a permit would not be required for the 
personal cultivation of marijuana.

However, the cultivation area would be limited to 50 square feet, and 
all plants would have to be at least five feet from the property line 
and within an enclosed side or back yard. Marijuana plants would also 
be prohibited from being visible from the public right of way or 
extending above the height of a fence.

All marijuana cultivated on a property would have to be for the 
personal use of a qualified patient living on the property.

The indoor cultivation of marijuana would also be regulated under the 
ordinance, but would require a permit.

Under the permit, indoor cultivation would only be allowed if outdoor 
cultivation could not occur under the proposed regulations, or if an 
outdoor grow adversely affected neighboring properties.

The property owner would also have to consent to the permit issuance.

Perhaps the more controversial aspect of the ordinance, however, is a 
city code amendment that would allow for the cultivation, processing 
and distribution of medical marijuana by collectives or cooperatives.

The cultivation, processing and distribution of marijuana would be 
allowed in light manufacturing and industrial zones as well as 
general manufacturing and industrial zones, such as the Hegan Lane 
Business Park and areas off of Park Avenue.

Distribution facilities would be permitted in areas zoned for 
commercial services, which includes portions of East Park Avenue.

No facility could be located within 300 feet of any residential 
zoning district or 1,000 feet of any school.

Business hours for dispensing collectives would be limited from 8 
a.m. to 8 p.m. and a permit would not be granted to any collective or 
cooperative if a member of their management staff had been convicted 
of any felony involving the sale, transportation or possession of a 
controlled substance within the past 10 years.

The council will review and discuss the ordinance and could 
potentially forward it on the Planning Commission for a public hearing.

The council meeting begins at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday in the City Council 
Chambers, 421 Main St. 
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MAP posted-by: Richard Lake