Pubdate: Tue, 18 May 2010
Source: Lassen County Times (CA)
Copyright: 2010 Feather Publishing Co., Inc.
Bookmark: (Cannabis - California)
Bookmark: (Cannabis - Medicinal)


May 18, 2010 -- After determining a new marijuana  garden near 
Johnstonville School and reported new  marijuana dispensaries on 
Johnstonville Road and on  Main Street in Janesville pose "a current 
and immediate  threat to public health, safety and welfare," the 
Lassen County Board of Supervisors unanimously approved  two 
emergency ordinances that impose a 45-day  moratorium on the 
establishment of medical marijuana  dispensaries and/or cultivation 
of medical marijuana in  the unincorporated areas of the county.

Each of the ordinances was "declared an urgency measure  for the 
immediate protection and preservation of the  public peace, health, 
safety and welfare."

The board approved the emergency ordinances at a  special evening 
study session held at 5 p.m. on  Tuesday, May 11 at Jensen Hall on 
the Lassen County  Fairgrounds in Susanville. An estimated 200 county 
residents attended the meeting and for nearly two hours  expressed a 
variety of opinions -- both pro and con --  on the controversy.

The board also directed staff to review potential  regulatory 
procedures and policies regarding the  appropriate zoning of 
marijuana dispensaries and  marijuana gardens in Lassen County. The 
board must hold  a public hearing to extend the moratoria beyond 45 
days  for a period of up to 10 months. The board also could  approve 
a second 10-month extension, but the emergency  ordinances may not be 
in effect longer than two years.

The purpose of the new ordinances is to give county  staff time to 
review how other counties in the state  are dealing with the issue 
and come up with  recommendations for zoning ordinances that will 
work in Lassen County and regulate the locations where 
medical  marijuana may be cultivated and distributed.

According to the report from county staff, "medical  marijuana 
dispensaries and cultivation are not defined  in Lassen County Code 
Title 18 (Ordinance 467) and are  therefore not allowed by right or 
by use permit in  Lassen County."

County staff said the matter was a zoning and land use  issue and not 
a prohibition of medical marijuana use,  which is permitted under 
California state law with a  recommendation from a physician. The 
staff said the new  ordinances were necessary to remove any ambiguity 
in  the county code and ensure no marijuana gardens or  dispensaries 
can be grandfathered in as non-conforming  uses once the zoning 
questions are finally resolved.

According to the ordinance regulating marijuana  dispensaries, 
certain licensed health care facilities  in Lassen County would not 
be considered dispensaries,  but those facilities do not provide 
medical marijuana  to their patients.

Medical marijuana dispensaries are "considered a  prohibited use in 
any zoning district of the  unincorporated areas of the county of 
Lassen. No  permits or authorizations shall be approved or 
issued  for the establishment or operation of a medical  marijuana 
dispensary while this ordinance is in  effect," the ordinance reads.

The ordinance prohibiting the cultivation of medical  marijuana notes 
the "unique geographic and climate  conditions" in Lassen County 
provide favorable  locations for marijuana gardens.

According to the ordinance, adverse impacts reported by  other public 
entities include "disagreeable odors,  increased risk of burglary and 
other property crimes,  acts of violence in connection with the 
commission of  such crimes or the occupants' attempts to prevent such crimes."

The ordinance also reported, "Whereas, the county of  Lassen has not 
adopted rules and regulations  specifically applicable to medical 
marijuana  cultivation and the lack of such controls may lead to 
increased medical marijuana cultivation and the  inability to 
regulate medical marijuana cultivation in  manner that will protect 
the general public, homes and  businesses adjacent and near such 
cultivations aE& it  is necessary to suspend the establishment of 
medical  marijuana cultivation that may be in conflict with 
the  development standards and regulations of the county of  Lassen ... "

A brief history

In 1996, California voters approved Proposition 215,  entitled the 
Compassionate Use Act of 1996. The intent  of the act was to enable 
persons who are in need of  marijuana for medical purposes to obtain 
and use it  under limited, specific circumstances without being 
subject to criminal prosecution.

On Jan. 1, 2004, Senate Bill 420, entitled the Medical  Marijuana 
Program, was codified to clarify the scope of  the Compassionate Use Act.

A recent decision by the federal government relaxed  enforcement of 
the federal Controlled Substance Act for  states that allow medical 
marijuana. While medical  marijuana is legal under California law, it 
remains  illegal under federal law.

County staff reported it has recently received several  inquires 
regarding the cultivation and distribution of  medical marijuana in 
Lassen County.

The county staff's response to these inquires has been  that medical 
marijuana cultivation and distribution are  not allowed and "a zoning 
amendment is required to  permit medical marijuana dispensary and/or 
cultivation"  in Lassen County.
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MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom