Pubdate: Wed, 19 May 2010 Source: Oak Bay News (CN BC) Copyright: 2010 Oak Bay News Contact: Details: Author: Roszan Holmen NEEDLE EXCHANGE SITES CHOSEN The Vancouver Island Health Authority has selected four facilities in the South Island to distribute harm reduction supplies. Locations will be announced after staff have been informed, said VIHA spokesperson Shannon Marshall. Drug users will be able to exchange used supplies for new ones at the sites by late summer or fall. In the meantime, a handful of mobile service are providing clean needles. VIHA announced this distributed model in November 2009. The news came shortly before it confirmed it would no longer consider setting up a fixed-site needle exchange on Princess Avenue. Six months ago, VIHA announced it would make needle-exchange service available at all public health units and other VIHA sites. Site selection was postponed as the health authority conducted a feasibility study. Advocates for harm-reduction services support the distributed model, but also call for a fixed site, dedicated to serving drug addicts with clean supplies and other supports. - --- MAP posted-by: Keith Brilhart