Pubdate: Thu, 20 May 2010 Source: Nanaimo News Bulletin (CN BC) Copyright: 2010, BC Newspaper Group Contact: Details: Author: C.J. Heavey Referenced: COMPASSION CLUB SERVICE NEEDED BY MEDICAL POT USERS To the Editor, Re: Club reopens to sell medical pot, May 13. I'm in the process of going through another tiring round with Health Canada over medical marijuana, so it was a relief to read Bob Estes has opened a place to obtain a better quality product and possibly without the hassles one encounters via Health Canada. I find it incredulous how I can walk into a medi-centre and immediately obtain narcotics for my condition. Narcotics that are addictive can damage the liver and cause a host of side effects. These damaging narcotics, which have generously been prescribed to me over the years, can be refilled with ease, discounted through Pharmacare (which medicinal marijuana isn't), yet they never fully alleviated the ramifications of my condition. And they have the potential to cause me other health problems due to their side effects. In fact, one federally approved drug caused me such severe toxicity, it damaged my liver and resulted in a few weeks in hospital where a nurse said I experienced every side effect except coma and death. Another reason why I'd like to stay away from "approved" narcotics that metabolize through the liver. Since taking medical marijuana, my liver has healed. To obtain a licence for medical marijuana prescription, one goes through a lengthy process. After all the forms are printed, filled in by the patient and doctor, they can get lost in transition. Then there are more forms to fill out to order one's meds, submitting to Health Canada, then waiting up to a couple of weeks for a product to arrive that I've learned is of poor quality and possibly contaminated. When Health Canada says it will get back to you within five business days, it took 16 days to respond to say my renewal is again lost. The beauty of medicinal marijuana is it works. The pain is relieved within minutes rather than suffering up to an hour waiting for a nasty little narcotic pill to be effective. I can control the amount of marijuana I consume through a vaporizer that relates to the particular level of pain I'm experiencing whereas something like Oxycontin is already formed into a particular dose that may not match up to my level of pain at the moment. And the side effects from addictive, organ-damaging pills are far greater than what I consume through my vaporizer. My medicinal marijuana has helped me with pain, seizure control, stress, nausea and food intake. Blessings to Mr. Estes for making things more manageable, offering other products (such as salves) and bringing forth more awareness. C.J. Heavey Nanaimo - --- MAP posted-by: Richard Lake