Pubdate: Mon, 28 Jun 2010 Source: Contra Costa Times (CA) Copyright: 2010 Bay Area News Group Contact: Details: Author: Art Mijares NO LEGAL POT I have been attending meetings of the Contra Costa County Anti-Marijuana Initiative Group, and members are really on this state marijuana issue. They have a blog site at, and I encourage people to log on and get the facts. I would like to see the Times do an article on this working group and hope a reporter will find out what's going on and do a story. There is also an ongoing free education series on this subject as well here in Contra Costa County. The residents of Contra Costa County need to be informed about this issue as it is about the health and safety of our children. I used to be a pot-head and now have joined the ranks of this group to make sure this issue remains only as a medical marijuana issue and not spread into our youth. We need our youth both now and in the future, and if pot legalization passes, it will send our youth a number of steps in the wrong direction. Legalizing marijuana in California this November must not be passed. We need to get the facts, keep the faith, and then we will get the right feelings. I'm not talking about being loaded and living in a yellow submarine. Art Mijares Oakley - --- MAP posted-by: Keith Brilhart