Pubdate: Mon, 28 Jun 2010
Source: Estes Park Trail-Gazette, The (CO)
Copyright: 2010 The Estes Park Trail-Gazette
Author: John Cordsen and Press Reports


Medical marijuana moratorium extended through June

Estes Park trustees gave themselves time Tuesday night  to gather
public input on the future of medical  marijuana centers operating
within town limits. The  board, at its June 22 meeting, unanimously
voted to  extend the moratorium on issuing any town business
licenses, building permits or any other approvals to  the
establishment of medical marijuana facilities  within town limits. The
moratorium also prohibits  engaging in the sale or production of
medical marijuana  without first having obtained from the town a valid
  business license.

Town attorney Greg White explained the need for the  town taking
action to allow the town board time to seek  public input on which
direction the town should take in  the medical marijuana question.

Tuesday`s action was in part a response to recent state  action. On
June 7, 2010, Governor Ritter signed House  Bill 1284, which gives the
state and local  municipalities licensing authority over medical
marijuana establishments, creates a state licensing  authority and
directs that authority to promulgate  rules governing the licensing,
conduct and location of  medical marijuana facilities. A link to the
bill is  available at Estes Park`s
moratorium will allow the town board to seek public  input regarding
the options available to the board and  the citizens with regard to
the licensing, operation,  location and/or prohibition of medical
marijuana  facilities in the town. White said that, in effect, the
state law that essentially puts in place a year-long  state-wide
moratorium gives the state the same  opportunity for public input.

"This gives us the opportunity for continued community  input and
discussion," said trustee Eric Blackhurst. He  said he has had
numerous and sometimes passionate talks  with citizens on both sides
of the issue. At Tuesday`s  meeting, only one person chose to speak.

The board may rescind or modify the moratorium at any  time prior to
its June 30, 2011, expiration date.

There are currently no medical marijuana facilities  selling and/or
producing medical marijuana within the  town.

The moratorium that was extended with Tuesday night`s  vote was
originally put in place Nov. 24, 2009.
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MAP posted-by: Matt Elrod