Pubdate: Sun, 27 Jun 2010 Source: News-Press (Fort Myers, FL) Copyright: 2010 Bruce Diamond Contact: Details: Author: Bruce Diamond DOC KNOWS BEST A father in my congregation shared this story with me about his 30-year-old son, who was cited twice for very small amounts of marijuana found in his car during traffic stops. The young man was remanded to the county "mental health court" that sent him for psychiatric treatment. They put him on several drugs designed to treat him for mild "anxiety disorder." Several months later he complained of acute abdominal pain and was taken to the emergency room where they discovered he was suffering from pancreatitis. The doctor explained to the father that the probable cause was all the prescription drugs he was taking for anxiety, and that he needed to be off them. When the father asked the doctor what the boy should be taking instead, the doctor discretely suggested: "A little bit of marijuana." Go figure. RABBI BRUCE DIAMOND Fort Myers - --- MAP posted-by: Richard Lake