Pubdate: Sat, 07 Aug 2010
Source: Chico Enterprise-Record (CA)
Copyright: 2010 Chico Enterprise-Record
Note: Letters from newspaper's circulation area receive publishing priority
Author: Lois Jolene Cosby


The headline on the top of the front page of the July 23 Red Bluff 
Daily News said, "Corning teacher hit, killed in Chico." The article 
went on to state the facts that the teacher was a fifth-grade teacher 
in Corning. The article also stated the facts of the accident, that 
she was killed by a driver allegedly high on marijuana.

The article on the bottom left of the same front-page headline read, 
"Pot legalization impacts will be hard to measure." The article 
stated, "Legalizing marijuana in California could give local 
governments a revenue boost." The article presented the question if 
it would indeed have any positive effects due to the increase in pot 
usage and crime related to its use.

There certainly isn't anything hard for voters to figure out on this issue.

Ask yourself these questions: "If my loved one was killed by a pot 
smoker, would all the money made in profits from the sale of it 
compensate for the loss of my loved one, my mother, my wife, my 
child?" "Would all the fifth-graders think it was worth the revenue 
earned that would sacrifice their teacher's life so a pothead could 
get high?" "Is it OK to put the value of money above the value of 
life?" "Should children go hungry because their parents bought pot 
with their grocery money so California could get revenue?"

I urge voters to seriously consider the consequences and vote against 
making the sale of marijuana legal.

- -- Lois Jolene Cosby, Corning
- ---
MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom