Pubdate: Tue, 10 Aug 2010 Source: Daily Sentinel, The (Grand Junction, CO) Copyright: 2010 Lynn Lickers Contact: Details: Author: Lynn Lickers Referenced: COLUMNIST OFFERS IMPORTANT VIEW OF MEDICAL MARIJUANA I would like to both thank and congratulate Penny Stine for her thoughtful and courageous column on the dangers of unchecked proliferation of medical marijuana dispensaries. Penny made some excellent points, backed by both personal experience and scientific research, about why society at large and, more importantly, our elected city and county officials need to seriously regulate and restrict access to medical marijuana. Penny is not advocating for blanket removal of all dispensaries. She is rightfully advocating that if medical marijuana is truly deserving of the name it should be subject to the same requirements that all other potent "painkillers" are subject to, not the least of which is acquiring it through a legitimate prescription from a legitimate doctor through a legitimate pharmacy. I hope that any parents who think their child has already or may have the potential to experiment with marijuana (and let's face it, that's pretty much every child out there) will clip her column and give it to their child to read. That's what I did. And I ask our city council and county commissioners to listen to people like Penny -- she has another side of the story to tell. Lynn Lickers Grand Junction - --- MAP posted-by: Jo-D