Pubdate: Sun, 22 Aug 2010
Source: San Francisco Chronicle (CA)
Page: E - 4
Copyright: 2010 Hearst Communications Inc.
Author: Timmen Cermak
Note: Dr. Timmen Cermak is president of the California Society of 
Addiction Medicine. For more information on the scientific evidence 
behind cannabis, visit the California Society of Addiction Medicine's 
website at:
Cited: Proposition 19
Bookmark: (Opinion)


Like so many political debates in our society, the argument over 
Proposition 19, the initiative to legalize marijuana in California, 
is portrayed as good vs. evil, black vs. white, us vs. them - while 
nobody is looking objectively at the medical science of marijuana. If 
research does enter the debate, each side touts the scientific bits 
that bolster its arguments and then ignores the rest.

The California Society of Addiction Medicine is in a unique position: 
We take no position on Prop. 19, but we wish Californians would look 
at the research before they make up their minds on how to vote.

We are the doctors who specialize in the treatment of drug abuse; we 
work every day with people addicted to drugs, including alcohol. We 
are a diverse group of doctors committed to combining science and 
compassion to treat our patients, support their families and educate 
public policy makers.

Less than one-third of the Society of Addiction Medicine's 400 
physician members believe prison deters substance abuse. Most believe 
addiction can be remedied more effectively by the universal 
availability of treatment. When, according to the FBI, nearly half - 
750,000 - of all drug arrests in 2008 in the United States were for 
marijuana possession, not sales or trafficking, we risk inflicting 
more harm on society than benefit. Prop. 19 does offer a way out of 
these ineffective drug policies.

However, two-thirds of our members believe legalizing marijuana would 
increase addiction and increase marijuana's availability to 
adolescents and children. A recent Rand Corp. study estimates that 
Prop. 19 would produce a 58 percent increase in annual marijuana 
consumption in California, raising the number of individuals meeting 
clinical criteria for marijuana abuse or dependence by 305,000, to a 
total of 830,000.

The question of legalizing marijuana creates a conflict between 
protecting civil liberties and promoting public health, between 
desire and prudence, between current de facto legalization in 
cannabis clubs and revenue-generating retail marijuana sales.

Each individual, family, politician and community must struggle with 
these competing agendas in making a decision about whether marijuana 
should be legal. The society wants to make sure voters understand 
three basic facts about how marijuana affects the brain:

- -- The brain has a natural cannabinoid system that regulates human 
physiology. The flood of cannabinoids in marijuana smoke alters the 
brain's delicate balance by mimicking its chemistry, producing a 
characteristic "high" along with a host of potential side effects.

- -- Marijuana is addicting to 9 percent of people who begin smoking at 
18 years or older. Withdrawal symptoms - irritability, anxiety, sleep 
disturbances - often contribute to relapse.

- -- Because adolescent brains are still developing, marijuana use 
before 18 results in higher rates of addiction - up to 17 percent 
within two years - and disruption to an individual's life. The 
younger the use, the greater the risk.

Marijuana is a mood-altering drug that causes dependency when used 
frequently in high doses, especially in children and adolescents. 
It's important that prevention measures focus on discouraging young 
people from using marijuana.

Prop. 19 erroneously states that marijuana "is not physically 
addictive." This myth has been scientifically proven to be untrue. 
Prop. 19 asks Californians to officially accept this myth. Public 
health policy already permits some addictive substances to be legal - 
for instance, alcohol, nicotine and caffeine. But good policy can 
never be made on a foundation of ignorance. Multiple lines of 
scientific evidence all prove that chronic marijuana use causes 
addiction in a significant minority of people. No one should deny 
this scientific evidence.

Physicians see many people who seek help in quitting marijuana. If 
Californians decide to legalize marijuana, who will pay for the 
additional treatments that will be needed? This question becomes 
profoundly more relevant if your own child has become devoted to 
smoking pot. If marijuana is legalized, a truly fair, socially just 
public policy would use tax revenue from marijuana sales to pay for 
increased treatments.

The Society of Addiction Medicine strongly recommends that, if 
marijuana is legalized, restrictions must minimize access for anyone 
under 21, and a tax on revenues must be directed to treatment.
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MAP posted-by: Richard Lake