Pubdate: Sat, 4 Sep 2010 Source: Daily Times-Call, The (Longmont, CO) Copyright: 2010 The Daily Times-Call Contact: Details: Bookmark: (Opinion) Bookmark: (Cannabis - Medicinal - Colorado) COUNTY SHOULD HAVE HELD POT FARM HEARING The area around the 67-acre Szymanski Farms property at 10437 Yellowstone Road, north of Longmont, is lightly populated. But it appears that most of the area's residents were against the Boulder County commissioners' approval of Laramie, Wyo., resident Scott Mullner's request to change the property's use to allow an indoor medical marijuana growing operation there at some point in the future. The commissioners last week decided they might consider a public hearing on the request, then on Tuesday backtracked and let the county Land Use Department's Aug. 5 approval of the land-use change stand. Sure, they had the right to do that and essentially said their hands were tied because the Land Use Department went by the rules in place at the time. But, considering the amount of opposition and the controversial nature of Mullner's proposal, the least commissioners could do have done is give residents a forum to air their concerns. A public hearing may not have changed the commissioners' decision to OK Mullner's request, but at the very least it would have provided residents with a better explanation of the process and why a proposed medical marijuana facility is considered an appropriate use for the site. - --- MAP posted-by: Richard Lake