Pubdate: Wed, 8 Sep 2010
Source: AlterNet (US Web)
Copyright: 2010 Independent Media Institute
Authors: Tony Newman and Yolanda Cadore
Note: Tony Newman is communications director for the Drug Policy 
Alliance. Yolande Cadore is director of strategic partnerships at the 
Drug Policy Alliance.



Here is your chance to test your knowledge and find out how much you 
know about drugs and drug policy.

Drug use, addiction and the war on drugs touches everyone.

Most people's drug use starts before they leave the house (coffee) and
many end the day with a drug (alcohol). While most people have
beneficial relationships with drugs, we all know someone who has
misused or developed an addiction to certain drugs. And we all know
someone who has been harmed by the drug war.

The war on drugs is in the news every day: whether it's violence in
Mexico, Californians voting on marijuana legalization, or some famous
person getting caught with marijuana or cocaine.

Here is your chance to test your knowledge and find out how much you
know about drugs and drug policy!

Answers are below.

1) Which Country Locks Up the Most People for Drug Law Violations (In
Total and Per Capita)?

A) Russia

B) China

C) Mexico

D) United States

E) Iran

2) True or False: The U.S. Congress Passed a Resolution in 1988 Calling
for a Drug Free America by 1995?

3) Which Country Decriminalized Drugs in 2002 and has since seen
declines in crime, death and disease?

A) Portugal

B) Netherlands

C) Germany

D) England

4) Which Former Presidents Used Illegal Drugs?

A) President Obama

B) President Bush II

C) President Clinton

D) All of the Above

5) Which Type of Conviction Will Lead to a Loss of Financial Aid for
College Students?

A) Rape

B) Murder

C) Marijuana Possession

D) None of the Above

6) Which Media Outlet Has Called for Drug Legalization?

A) The New York Times

B) The Nation Magazine

C) The Economist

D) None of the Above

7) Which Drug Does our Government List as a Schedule I Drug, Meaning
No Medical Benefit and High Potential for Abuse?

A) Marijuana

B) Cocaine

C) Oxycontin

D) Tobacco

8) According to Government Data, Which Drug Will You Become Addicted
to After the First Time You Try It?

A) Heroin

B) Cocaine

C) Cigarettes

D) Meth

E) None of the above

9) Blacks and Whites Use and Sell Drugs at Similar Rates, Yet Blacks go
to Jail:

A) At the same rate as Whites

B) Double the rate of Whites

C) 13 Times the rates of Whites

D) 50 times the rates of Whites

10) Which Policies Have Been Proven to Reduce Overdose Deaths and
HIV/AIDS Without Increasing Drug Use

A) Syringe Exchange Programs

B) Supervised Injection Facilities (Place Where People Can Inject 
Their Own Drugs With Doctors Present)

C) Heroin Prescription (Doctors Prescribing Heroin to Those Who Can't Quit)

D) All of the Above

E) None of the Above

11) Proponents of California's Prop. 19 Say the Initiative to Control
and Tax Marijuana Would:

A) Make it Harder for Teenagers to Get Marijuana

B) Reduce the Violence in Mexico

C) Help the State's Budget Crisis

D) Reduce Racial Disparities in Our Criminal Justice System

E) All of the Above

12) Which High Profile Person is Not on the Drug Policy Alliance's
Honorary Board?

A) Sting

B) Montel Williams

C) Russell Simmons

D) Arianna Huffington

E) Lady Gaga

F) Former U.S. Secretary of State George P. Shultz

13) America's Longest War Was:

A) Civil War

B) Vietnam

C) Afghanistan

D) Drug War

14) We Need the Following Folks to End This Unwinnable War:

A) The Media

B) Civil Right Organizations

C) Students

D) Elected Officials

E) You

F) All of the Above


1) (D). USA! USA! We're #1! We're #1!

2) (True). Congress passed a resolution in 1988 calling for a "Drug
Free America." Are we there yet!?

3) (A). Portugal decriminalized drugs in 2002. The results: less
crime, overdose deaths, violence and incarceration.

4) (D). Clinton smoked it, but didn't inhale. Bush had "youthful
indiscretions." Obama smoked weed and did some coke when he could afford it.

5) (C). You can rape someone and get finical aid -- but if get popped
for smoking a joint, no financial aid for you!

6) (C). The Economist, William Buckley, Milton Friedman and George
Shultz -- Capitalists for Legalization!

7) (A). Yes, marijuana is considered more dangerous than Cocaine,
Oxycontin, and Cigs according to our government's scheduling of
drugs....... FDA -- show us you support science over politics!

8) (D). Despite propaganda and scare tactics, most people do not get
addicted to any drugs right after they try it. Some people can control
their cigarette, cocaine and meth use. Others can become addicted.
Different people have different relationships to different drugs.

9) (C). Blacks use and sell drugs at the same rate as whites but go to
jail at 13 times the rates of whites. Drug use doesn't discriminate,
but our drug policies do!

10) (D). Syringe exchange programs, safe injection sites and
prescribed heroin are all effective at reducing HIV and overdoses,and
are policies supported by many other countries, but U.S. elected
officials don't have the courage to even open the debate on these life
saving strategies!

11) (E). Legalize marijuana and you will make it harder for young
folks to get weed (according to government data, teens say it is
easier to get weed than alcohol - and dealers don't card), you will
take profits from drug cartels in Mexico, you will raise over a
billion dollars by taxing it, and you will reduce the disturbing
racial disparities in marijuana enforcement (see #8). Come on CALI!

12) (E). Lady Gaga, we would love to have you join us if you are

12) (D) There was a wave of press earlier this year about the US war in
Afghanistan being our "longest war". Actually Nixon declared a war on
drugs 40 years ago and it is still going strong! Time for an exit strategy!

13) (F). We need the media, students, civil rights groups, elected
officials and YOU! Time to pull the five fingers into a fist and end
this unwinnable war!
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