Pubdate: Tue, 14 Sep 2010
Source: Abbotsford Times (CN BC)
Copyright: 2010 The Abbotsford Times
Author: Doris Froese


Editor, the Times:

I am white. Having said that straight out, I will address bad behavior
regardless of race or gender.

How can neighborhoods not care when people park in front of our homes
and use Aspen Park for smoking pot and dealing drugs?

After all, down the street a young Indo-Canadian man met his untimely
death because of similar beginnings. It's nice that some parents have
so much hope for their misbehaved children and maintain that they are
"good boys," when they indeed are not.

I will address any behavior that is wrong as if those involved were my
own children. I would hope other parents would do the same for me. Why
do parents enable these children with cars and money when they
continue to make very wrong choices?

Tonight I was threatened by four Indo-Canadian boys who use the park
because they would rather smoke pot here than at their homes. They
assured me that they would be back tomorrow and the neighborhood would
have me to thank for that, along with other name calling.

Fortunately, I filed a police report, and frankly, if something
happens to me or my possessions, at least I said something and I cared
about my community.

I am angry, and I am tired of people being afraid of retaliation,
choosing to be cowards, doing nothing.

I don't want that behavior in my neighborhood and I will call you on
it whether you are white, Indo-Canadian, purple or any other colour. I
will say wrong is wrong, and I will not have good people hide in their
homes because they are afraid of children who are breaking the law.

Does anyone care? What kind of adults will these children

Doris Froese,

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MAP posted-by: Matt