Pubdate: Sun, 26 Sep 2010 Source: Contra Costa Times (CA) Copyright: 2010 Bay Area News Group Contact: Details: Author: Irene Lynch NO TO LEGALIZATION Although medicinal marijuana has been known to relieve pain in many debilitating illnesses, it has been determined to have a negative effect on patients with pre-existing immune deficits. Additional studies strongly suggest that marijuana affects brain function and memory. It was also concluded that those patients will be less capable to fend off respiratory conditions while at the same time attempting to cure those and other diseases. As advertised, even the popular blue pill has its own list of side effects. Others argue that decriminalizing marijuana for those 21 and older would save billions of dollars from being wasted by law enforcement and the courts. It would also generate huge amounts of money in tax revenue. But questions remain whether marijuana leads to harder drugs. Will legalization of the herb stop the drug cartels or will they find other substances to traffic? As never before, we need clear-thinking people guiding our younger generation to be ready to meet life's many challenges rather than escape from reality to become potheads and losers. Under the pretense of saving money, making something legal does not make it morally right. Irene Lynch - --- MAP posted-by: Richard Lake