Pubdate: Tue, 05 Oct 2010
Source: Santa Barbara Independent, The (CA)
Copyright: 2010 The Santa Barbara Independent, Inc.
Author: Sherif El-Asyouty
Note: Sherif El-Asyouty is a psychiatrist and co-medical director of
Recovery Road Medical Center in Santa Barbara.


Marijuana Is Not Harmless

I encourage people think before they vote for the legalization of
marijuana, Proposition 19 in the November 4 election. This is a
different view, coming from a physician specialized in psychiatry as
well as addiction, and a resident of our beloved state of California.

I am not going to speak here to whether marijuana is addictive or not,
nor am I going to discuss the medical implications of its use. I am
going to address the behavioral implications of marijuana use with
regard to driving safety, job performance, and financial problems. I
am using alcohol as a comparison for legalized marijuana.

Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the active ingredient in marijuana, has a
very long half-life. It stays in your system for 25 to 30 hours, five
times longer than it takes alcohol to get it out of your system after
last use, and the effects can last even longer for chronic users.
Alcohol has a comparatively short half-life and can be eliminated
faster. I agree that alcohol might have more medical complications,
but it gets out of your body faster. For example: If a person were to
consume enough alcohol to become inebriated on Friday and Saturday,
their system should be clear of alcohol on Monday, unlike THC. We are
still talking about recreational use, and not chronic use.

So what is wrong with having THC in my brain?

THC can cause psychomotor impairment including but not limited to the

Object distance and outline are often distorted.

The ability to make rapid critical judgments is impaired (as
demonstrated in a study by Isabel Gorodostky, et al, published in 1967).

Reaction time, information processing, and time perception are all
slowed, while perceptual motor performance is impaired. (Shown by
Chait and Piere, 1992.)

I am sure you can see how all of the above are going to affect
driving. Would you feel safe with more drivers like that on the road?!

Besides psychomotor impairment, marijuana bestows cognitive
impairment. THC interferes with short-term memory--and the longer the
THC use the more pronounced the cognitive impairment. A 1988 study (by
Page, Fletcher, et al) showed that THC alters memory, attention, and
their integration as needed to perform complex tasks. Also, marijuana
has a deleterious effect on curiosity, which is very important for
problem-solving and motivation. THC use is associated with higher risk
of quitting high school, and a higher rate of job turnover, as well as
poorer job performance. I hope it is clear from the foregoing the ways
in which marijuana could negatively affect work performance in our
state, at a time when we need the sharpest brains possible.

Unfortunately, a lot of people think that marijuana is harmless and
does not affect your body organs like alcohol affects your liver,
which might be true if you do not consider the brain to be an organ. I
have patients who thought the drug was harmless, only to realize that
their grades in school went way up after they stopped smoking
marijuana; they reported more mental clarity without it.

I personally do not want the person who does my taxes, for example, to
be under the influence of marijuana. Any mistake he makes due to
cognitive impairment or simple lack of concentration may drain my time
and energy, not to mention my finances. Do you want the surgeon who is
going to operate on you to be under the influence of THC, experiencing
lack of concentration and memory problems? For that matter, do you
want the attorney defending you in court on drug-related charges to be
under the influence?!

Not that we even have an accurate way to test whether somebody is
under the influence of THC. We do not yet have a test to distinguish
recent use from use more remote in time, for example. Also we do not
have a quantitative test. So a driver, for example, may very well be
impaired by marijuana, but the lack of testing makes it difficult to
determine the cause. By contrast, it is relatively simple to enforce
our laws against driving when your alcohol level is above 0.08.

In addition, THC intoxication does not show as a linear curve, meaning
that the blood level does not correlate to the impairment. You can
argue also that we do not have impairment levels for opioids or Xanax
or Valium, but at least these medications are controlled by physicians
who, with the help of pharmacists, monitor the quantities prescribed.
The drug dosage is not left uncontrolled, as THC intake would be if
marijuana were legalized.

Speaking of which, marijuana ranks ahead of alcohol in terms of
drug-related admissions to emergency rooms--it is the second most
commonly detected drug, according to Principles of Addiction Medicine
(Third Edition, page 250).

I hope you take the time to consider the impact legalization will have
on you and me and our great State of California before going to vote
on prop 19.
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MAP posted-by: Matt