Pubdate: Sat, 23 Oct 2010 Source: Abbotsford News (CN BC) Copyright: 2010 Abbotsford News Contact: Website: Details: Author: Vikki Hopes ABBOTSFORD POLICE HOST LODESTAR FORUMS FOR PARENTS Abbotsford Police are holding the first in a series of information meetings for parents next Wednesday (Oct. 27) as part of the Operation Lodestar initiative, the latest in a series of police programs designed to keep kids away from drugs and gangs. The session, for parents of students at Robert Bateman Secondary and Clayburn Middle School, begins at 7 p.m. at Bateman school. Const. Ian MacDonald said the series will include 12 sessions, enabling police to invite parents of all local schools. One will be open to the public and two will be conducted in both Punjabi and English. Operation Lodestar was preceded by Operation Impact, Tarnish and Veritas, which involved posters, videos and in-school presentations aimed at students. Lodestar is the first one to focus on parents. It is complemented by a poster campaign featuring a young boy dressed in gangster and prison attire accompanied by the slogan, "When I grow up, I want to be just like Daddy." MacDonald said the forums will help educate parents about drugs and organized crime in the community and how they can steer their kids away from that lifestyle. Mayor George Peary, Police Chief Bob Rich, and Sgt. Mike Novakowski will deliver the message. Meanwhile, MacDonald said Operation Lodestar is receiving strong support from the business and education communities. The posters and fact sheets have been posted throughout the campuses of University of the Fraser Valley, Columbia Bible College, Summit Pacific College, and Sprott Shaw Community College. MacDonald said this is a great way to get the message out to current and future parents. He said the program has also been supported by several local bars and restaurants. "Having the posters in bars, we want people to contemplate (the issues) and we want to engage them in conversation." - --- MAP posted-by: Jo-D