Pubdate: Wed, 17 Nov 2010
Source: State Press, The (AZ Edu)
Copyright: 2010 ASU Web Devil
Author: Yvonne Gonzalez
Bookmark: (Cannabis - Medicinal)


As Arizona prepares to become the 15th state allowing the medicinal 
use of marijuana, Valley business owners are having mixed feelings 
about dispensaries opening near their stores.

The Phoenix store Medical Marijuana Dispensaries of Arizona set up 
shop this fall in anticipation of the passage of Proposition 203 -- 
Arizona's citizen-drafted medical marijuana measure that was approved 
by voters Nov. 2. The dispensary is the first store of its kind in the state.

But Debra Nehs, owner of the nearby business Kidding Around Playtown, 
is not pleased that the store has come so close to her business.

"We run a children's play place and we've already had a few customers 
express concern that it's over there," she said. "I was just 
surprised that that's where it opened up."

Proposition 203 makes it legal for Arizonans with certain illnesses 
to be prescribed medical marijuana. After a close vote count 
following the Nov. 2 election, the measure passed by about 4,300 
votes, or less than 0.25 percent of ballots cast.

Other dispensaries have started to pop up in the Valley, like the 
Arizona Patients Association in Phoenix and Blue Monkey Apothecary in Gilbert.

Allan Sobol, the manager of Medical Marijuana Dispensaries, said in a 
Nov. 4 interview with The State Press that finding a location to open 
up was not easy.

"Corporate America still is resistant to this," he said. "We checked 
into a lot of locations, but they were resistant."

Medical Marijuana Dispensaries of Arizona is located near Interstate 
17 and Bell Road in a shopping center that is home to a variety of businesses.

The majority of the complex's storefronts, however, are now 
displaying "For Lease" signs in their windows, said Sherri Collins, a 
storeowner in the shopping center.

Collins is one of the owners of Other Mothers, a children's, women's 
and maternity clothing exchange store. Collins said while she voted 
against the medical marijuana proposition, she is looking forward to 
possible increased shopping traffic the dispensary will bring.

"It's very sad to see how many 'For Lease' signs are in the windows 
around us," she said. "It'll be good to see the space occupied and 
people working and coming in and out."
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MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom