Pubdate: Thu, 2 Dec 2010
Source: Detroit Free Press (MI)
Copyright: 2010 Detroit Free Press
Author: Jessica R. Cooper
Note: Jessica Cooper is Oakland County's prosecutor.
Referenced: Medical Marijuana Act
Bookmark: (Opinion)


The confusion about the marijuana laws in Michigan stems not from the 
passage of the Medical Marijuana Act in 2008, but from individuals 
who have either not read the act or do not care for the limitations 
placed by it.

The Michigan Medical Marijuana Act is one of exemption. It means that 
people are protected from prosecution under state law if, and only 
if, they comply with the provisions of the act.

Marijuana is a Schedule I narcotic that is illegal to possess, sell, 
distribute, cultivate or manufacture under both Michigan and federal 
law. And, while there are some limited exemptions to individuals 
qualifying under the Michigan Medical Marijuana statute, there are no 
exemptions under federal law for anyone.

The Michigan Medical Marijuana Act requires that the individual be a 
qualified patient as defined by the Michigan Department of Community 
Health. The act states that qualified patients and caregivers may 
possess no more than 12 plants and/or 2.5 ounces of harvested material.

The act also allows a qualified patient to designate one, and only 
one, caregiver to grow or harvest his or her plants. A caregiver may 
have a maximum of five designated patients and may grow or harvest on 
behalf of only those five patients. Any activity beyond that is illegal.

Accordingly, patients can't share their marijuana or sell to each 
other or anyone else.

In Michigan, the act does not authorize dispensaries or cooperatives. 
We constantly read about townships and cities agonizing over how to 
zone medical marijuana dispensaries. The answer is simple. No 
dispensaries are allowed under Michigan law, and they are clearly 
prohibited under federal law.

Only a practitioner who holds a license to prescribe or dispense 
controlled substances may purchase or distribute a Schedule I 
controlled substance.

The Michigan Department of Community Health also interprets the law 
as saying that it is illegal to operate a marijuana dispensary, and 
the Court of Appeals, in People v. Redden and Clark, addresses the prohibition.

The passage of the Michigan act was done in the spirit of compassion, 
because the public believed it would provide relief to those 
suffering certain severe and debilitating diseases. However, there is 
a proliferation of individuals who are attempting to use the act as a 
shield to conduct criminal activities never contemplated by voters. 
Many are profiteers who want to make money by cultivating and selling 
large amounts of the drug.

People who qualify under the act as having legitimate and 
debilitating diseases should not have to deal with products infused 
with benzene gas or pesticides, or products with varied and 
incalculable amounts of THC. We don't allow adulterated foods. We 
have a Liquor Control Commission to regulate the distribution and 
sale of alcohol. Why should medical marijuana be any different?

The voters intended to allow people with severe and debilitating 
diseases to be treated with a substance that a doctor in a bona fide 
doctor-patient relationship recommended. The public and the 
individuals whom the act was designed to assist should also be 
concerned with the purity, dosage and the source of the product.

In these days when we constantly are warned by the medical profession 
about the dangers of smoking, it is difficult to imagine that 
legitimate doctors would sign 75,121 certifications recommending 
smoking for patients with debilitating diseases. Most of these 
certifications were obtained through the cooperation of physicians 
having questionable motives who have set up "certification shops" 
cranking out unjustified certificates for minor ailments at an alarming rate.

The Michigan Medical Marijuana Act, as it stands today, does not 
adequately protect the people it was designed to help, and it leaves 
open questions of public safety and protection of minors. The 
Legislature now needs to act to refine the law.
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