Pubdate: Tue, 04 Jan 2011 Source: Abbotsford Times (CN BC) Copyright: 2011 Robert T. Rock Contact: Details: Author: Robert T. Rock GET SERIOUS ABOUT SAVING DOWNTOWN MISSION Editor, the Times: If we're serious about saving the downtown core of Mission then what needs to happen - among many things - is that the various evangelical/fundamentalist churches blighting the down town area need to be kicked out of the drug rehab business. They and their clients are not a symbol of hope as much as they are, in fact, major contributors to the local urban blight which is growing like a cancer. A healthy and viable business district doesn't attract them but a downtown core in decline does. It's ludicrous that so many biblical illiterates are trying to use prayer and verses they barely understand themselves to save all these fallen angels. All I see are both the religiously disadvantaged churchy types and the addicts themselves using each other in a con game: the churches pretend to help the addicts and the addicts pretend to be "saved" to get the handout freebies. Here you have these churches for addicts being mostly run by people who have no right at all to be trying to cure these people of their addictions. That job should be left up to professionals, not people who get their moral teachings from a wind storm talking to Abraham. Would you go to an unqualified doctor who had no degree in medicine? Not likely or if you did you'd be an idiot. Nor do these padres and self-titled preachers in these places do their mischievous work among the addicts for free. No Christian charity if the addicts don't sit and sing the songs and listen to chapter and verse on how God loves them and will send them to Hell if they don't repent their evil ways. They don't have "evil ways", they have chemical addictions. That's how they train dogs: reward for proper behaviour and no supper if they don't go Hallelujah on cue. At best, the problems of the addicts are only temporarily masked. At worst, these churches of the addicts only enable the addicts to coast along. But never mind, as long as the padres can pretend to be doing god's work, why should we care? In the meantime, Mission's downtown core goes further into decline. We should care as these churches of the addicts keep society from facing up to the problems the addicts cause. We're not in Victorian England. We shouldn't be having religious groupsdispensing charity and praying for salvation from 'demon rum' as if it was the 19th century world of Charles Dickens again. We should be forcing the government to fund legitimate rehab places that don't try to suck the soul out of people. Mandatory treatment is what's needed, not unlicensed parishioners of various forms of religion. But let me be clear that I'm not simply just bashing religion again. It's me demanding that the government provide the necessary funding and institutions and take charge again by remembering that government does have a place in society despite the opinion of the Fraser Institute and the whining of pious do-gooders. Hopefully you'll now look at the various bible thumping churches in a new light and realize that they are in fact a large part of the problem of the drug culture here in Mission and not part of the solution. Certainly, as enablers, they've already done enough damage to downtown Mission and the rot they've encouraged has got to be stopped. These churches might as well hand out crack pipes and needles at the end of their coerced attendance charade for all the real good that they are doing. And that's the brutal truth for which I'll gladly risk bruising some people's feelings for. Robert T. Rock Mission - --- MAP posted-by: Jo-D