Pubdate: Tue, 11 Jan 2011
Source: Daily Tribune, The (Royal Oak, MI)
Copyright: 2011 The Daily Tribune
Author: Shaun Byron, For the Daily Tribune
Cited: City Council
Bookmark: (Cannabis - Michigan)


ROCHESTER HILLS - An additional six months have been tacked onto a 
moratorium to start medical marijuana grow operations and 
dispensaries in one Oakland County Community.

Rochester Hills City Council approved the measure at its Monday night 
meeting, citing the vagueness of the Michigan Medical Marijuana Act.

Included in the moratorium was wording that the city would support 
clarifications that the state legislature made to the Act.

The council had approved a 180-day moratorium on businesses 
associated with medical marijuana in July.

Public officials had said the moratorium was to give the city time to 
study how to approach the regulation of dispensaries.

Rochester Hills Planning and Development Director Ed Anzek told the 
council the city's research involved looking at how different 
communities have handled the law.

Some municipalities have banned the dispensaries, others have 
adjusted zoning ordinances, and some have given free reign, he said.

"We feel in trying to develop standards of implementation, we could 
end up in the crosshairs of the federal government," Anzek said.

Marijuana is still illegal under federal law regardless of Michigan 
law allowing it for medical purposes.

Several council members said they don't want to overturn the will of 
the voters, but would like to have clarification on the law.

"Frankly I'm not sure six months is quite going to work, I've seen 
the legislature in action," quipped Councilman Michael Webber.

Resident Alice Benbow said Michigan approved medical marijuana to 
help people with diseases, and the law should be respected.

"I can appreciate the concerns," she told the council, adding she 
doesn't support the use of marijuana without a viable medical reason. 
"Please don't deny people help."

Dr. Bradley Barnes told the council the matter is far from settled 
and there are too many questions involved in the law.

"The research is very mixed, and of course it can't be done because 
it's illegal to give anyone marijuana," he said.

"So we have no good scientific evidence that any of these diseases 
are really helped. We don't know what the risk-benefit ratio is."  
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MAP posted-by: Richard Lake