Pubdate: Fri, 28 Jan 2011 Source: Ann Arbor Journal (MI) Copyright: 2011 Journal Register Company Contact: Website: Details: Bookmark: (Opinion) Bookmark: (Cannabis - Michigan) Bookmark: LEGISLATURE MUST CLARIFY MEDICAL MARIJUANA LAW The medical marijuana issue hasn't changed much in the past year. In fact, not much has changed in the past two years, since voters approved the law in November of 2008 and it went into effect in January 2009. It remains a convoluted, vague and confusing regulation that has stirred strong debate and created legal conflicts pitting supporters of the legislation against law enforcement officers and local community officials. Clearly, while solving Michigan's structural deficit and making the state more business friendly to revive the sagging economy are the top priorities of the new Legislature, high on the to-do list should be fixing the medical marijuana law. Trying to figure out how to regulate the substance has been a constant problem. Under the law, Michigan's more than 45,000 licensed medical marijuana patients can possess up to 2 1/2 ounces of usable marijuana and have up to 12 plants kept in an enclosed, locked facility - or have a registered caregiver grow the drug for them. However, some police agencies want a better system to verify the authenticity of authorization cards. Physicians must certify patients would benefit from the pain-reducing aspects of marijuana, but it's left to the patients to register with the state and to self-regulate the amount and quality of the drug they take. Advocates say nothing in the law prohibits dispensaries and collective growing facilities, and that communities are ignoring the will of Michigan voters by cracking down on those businesses. However, many Michigan communities have said state law isn't clear or is largely silent on how the drug can be grown and distributed by anyone other than patients or caregivers, or how plants and seeds can be bought in the first place. Marijuana, after all, remains a federally banned substance. There have been raids on medical marijuana dispensaries selling the drug to deputies carrying phony state ID cards. Meanwhile, the American Civil Liberties Union has sued other cities over their efforts to restrict or ban marijuana sales. Generally, local governments counter that they are trying to make sure illegal drug dealing and other crimes don't take place in the absence of a clear state law. Local officials are wise to closely examine how the drug is sold to prevent or at least limit its illegal use. It's easy to tug at a voter's heartstrings and say that marijuana will help ease the pain of those suffering from terminal illnesses. We hope it does. But there are also other drugs that help reduce pain and those are highly regulated. Considering what could happen if the drug falls into the wrong hands, the stricter the regulations on its distribution, the better. That's why the Legislature, as busy as it will be in 2011, must clarify this law to halt the expensive lawsuits and law enforcement costs that have been mounting since the law went into effect. Because of the ballot issue, it appears we're going to have to live with some type of medical marijuana distribution and use. So, maybe taxing it and putting the revenue toward Medicaid, Medicare or schools is in order. As the old saying goes, when you get lemons, try making lemonade. But, first, straighten out the recipe with clearer laws. - --Courtesy of The Oakland Press - --- MAP posted-by: Richard Lake