Pubdate: Wed, 16 Feb 2011
Source: Tampa Tribune (FL)
Copyright: 2011 The Tribune Co.
Author: Bruce Grant, Special Correspondent
Note: Bruce Grant previously served as director of the Florida Office 
of Drug Control.


Florida's prescription-drug epidemic continues unabated. It poses the 
single greatest drug-related threat to the health and safety of 
Floridians since crack cocaine. Not only do prescription-drug 
overdoses kill seven Floridians every day, but drugs prescribed in 
Florida are killing citizens in other states in ever-growing numbers.

Pain clinics have exploded throughout the state, many operating as 
illegal "pill mills" where drugs are traded for cash. Florida has 
become a favorite destination for drug-seekers along the Eastern 
Seaboard and Appalachia. This threat will continue to devastate - and 
the deaths will increase - unless Florida takes action to implement a 
Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP).

But it's not just the pain clinics. Doctor shoppers routinely take 
advantage of physicians by visiting multiple doctors to fraudulently 
obtain pain killers. Other scoundrels steal, forge or alter 
prescription pads to acquire prescription narcotics for abuse or sale 
- - and all because there is no system like the PDMP in place to prevent it.

What can we do about it? Turning up the heat with extensive law 
enforcement operations will bring only limited and temporary relief. 
Our new attorney general is to be commended for taking aim at the 
pill mills. Her efforts will yield some success, but without a system 
that stops the diversion of pharmaceuticals at the source (and 
thereby reinforces her success), there can be no major impact. 
Instead we need a comprehensive system that stops the doctor 
shopping, catches the criminal physicians who overprescribe for 
profit and prevents illegal diversion before it starts.

By far our best tool for beating this problem is the Prescription 
Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP). It will deter and prevent much of the 
illegal diversion and abuse of prescription drugs. Potential doctor 
shoppers will be stymied when physicians review a listing of their 
recent prescriptions for controlled substances.

For some who are addicted, the PDMP may well be the impetus for a 
much-needed referral to substance abuse treatment. Our PDMP is fully 
HIPAA compliant and protects the privacy of the patients; those 
privacy protections are guaranteed by law.

Although not a "silver bullet," this new system has the ability to 
begin putting the brakes on this runaway problem. Our law enforcement 
officers across the state have been eagerly anticipating this because 
they know it will help stop crime and diversion as it speeds the 
resolution of diversion cases. The No. 1 job of government is to keep 
citizens safe; the PDMP will help do just that.

Florida's PDMP is supported by a strong coalition of stakeholders who 
all helped craft it: law enforcement, medical professionals 
(including physicians and pharmacists), treatment professionals, 
local drug-prevention organizations throughout the state and even the 
pain management clinics. Remember, not all pain management clinics 
are bad. The good ones know that the PDMP will weed out the criminals.

What about the cost? The PDMP is being completely funded by a 
combination of federal grants and private donations - no state funds 
are being used. Florida has received $800,000 in federal Harold 
Rogers PDMP grant funding, and the private, nonprofit Florida PDMP 
Foundation has raised and donated over $500,000 - more than the $1.2 
million needed to run the program for the first year.

It's time to quit posturing and doing nothing while people die. If 
there is a better solution to the PDMP, then let's hear it. 
Currently, 38 other states have an operational PDMP now, and five 
more have passed laws and are awaiting implementation. What do they 
know that we don't? Worse yet, Florida now has other states 
chastising us over our deadly inaction.

Florida must implement the PDMP now. It is the single most effective 
mechanism we have to stop the epidemic of prescription-drug abuse. 
Inaction or repeal is an option that will only result in further 
deaths, greater human suffering and tremendous human and economic 
costs we cannot afford. Let's put aside rhetoric and put this program 
into operation.

Bruce Grant previously served as director of the Florida Office of Drug Control.
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