Pubdate: Mon, 28 Feb 2011 Source: St. Louis Post-Dispatch (MO) Copyright: 2011 Mary L. Boeger Contact: Website: Details: Author: Mary L. Boeger THREE STEPS BACK How can we be surprised when Illinois Governor Pat Quinn's threatens to cut almost the entire budget for alcohol and drug abuse prevention and treatment in Illinois ("Borrowing trouble," Feb. 22)? This cavalier decision also speaks to the stigma that addicts have a disease. In 1956, the American Medical Association said that alcoholism is a disease. Despite that and the many various statements of medical professionals since then, the stigma is alive and well. Recovery from the illness is not only possible but probable with proper treatment. In truth, alcohol and drug treatment has very few organized advocates who can 'storm" state capitals and make a difference for treatment and recovery. Until all of the diverse alcohol and drug treatment professionals (public and private), the recovering community and family members are organized in a meaningful way, the field always will take one step forward and three backward. Mary L. Boeger Frontenac - --- MAP posted-by: Richard Lake