Pubdate: Mon, 04 Apr 2011
Source: Great Falls Tribune (MT)
Copyright: 2011 Great Falls Tribune
Author: Robert Majerus


Way to go feds! Don't stop with your raids on the marijuana growers.
Now go after the "quacks" who continue to issue medical marijuana
cards for $250 with no medical exam.

Think about it, welfare and unemployment money, furnished by
taxpayers, is a leading source used to obtain a majority of cards. No
business is willing to hire someone using marijuana due to safety
reasons. End result, tax payers not only bankroll most cards and drugs
but enable the user to remain on welfare rolls.

Perhaps requiring card holders be re-examined by a
government-qualified doctor rather than the "quacks" might reduce the
bogus 28,000 card holders, leaving those with true needs the respite
required for catastrophic illnesses. Medical marijuana is available in
pill form for medical reasons, therefore smoking pot isn't necessary.
Why isn't this implemented?

Numerous marijuana card holders reside in federally subsidized
housing. Using drugs on the premises is illegal. How about federal
agents reviewing the card holder list and investigating those abusing
the privilege? Requiring drug testing of renters, as well as
administrators of federal programs and housing, might cut down on the
abuse of this law.

With these people removed from federal housing as well as other
federal programs, think of the savings to the federal budget. These
savings are needed for worthwhile programs like rehabilitating
returning disabled and traumatized veterans.

It appears as though this Legislature is about to table it. It looks
like the majority doesn't want to lose any votes in 2012.

Robert Majerus

Great Falls
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MAP posted-by: Richard R Smith Jr.