Pubdate: Wed, 01 Jun 2011 Source: Victoria Times-Colonist (CN BC) Copyright: 2011 Times Colonist Contact: Website: Details: Author: Bill Bate A THROWBACK TO PROHIBITION The assertion by David Berner, director of the abstinence-based Drug Prevention Network, that "harm reduction" is actually "harm seduction" and his equating Insite and needle exchanges to "walking up to a drunk and handing him a clean shotglass" shows the same lack of logic and distortion of the issues that our federal government has attempted to implement. As if the implications of a shared drinking glass are as severe and potentially deadly, or that they will result in continued use of illicit substances, is ludicrous. Perhaps the analogy is based on the Prohibition-era experience and the success that program had? This is propaganda and not science. Bill Bate Courtenay - --- MAP posted-by: Richard R Smith Jr.