Pubdate: Sun, 05 Jun 2011 Source: Victoria Times-Colonist (CN BC) Copyright: 2011 Times Colonist Contact: Website: Details: Author: Sheila Drew WEAK ARGUMENTS AGAINST INJECTION SITES As someone who imagines that safe-injection sites are a positive development, based on the scientific studies that have shown significant numbers of lives have been saved, among many other benefits, I was hoping to gain more information on the negative implications of this approach from the article that was part of the series on addiction. Instead, I was treated to quotes from David Berner, executive director of the Drug Prevention Network of Canada, who said: "And it's really bad public policy because we have to spend public dollars efficiently and wisely." As far as I understand it, not just some, but all the studies both here and across Europe have shown that safe-injection sites are a very cost-effective way to deal with the very high costs of addiction to our society. I would love to hear some reasoned arguments that actually support his statements, but if this is the best the "no side" can do, I really hope the large percentage of Canadians who are not behind the federal government's drive to end these sites will let their voices be heard. Sheila Drew, Victoria - --- MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom