Pubdate: Fri, 01 Jul 2011
Source: Grand Junction Free Press (CO)
Copyright: 2011 Grand Junction Free Press
Author: Travis Kelly
Note: Travis Kelly is a web/graphic designer, cartoonist and writer 
who recently relocated to Grand Junction from Moab.


In the 1920s, President Calvin Coolidge famously said, "The business 
of America is business."

Current trends forecaster Gerald Celente offers a new twist to fit 
the times: "The business of America is war... The forty-year War on 
Drugs; The ten-year War on Terror; the Afghan War (longest in 
American history); the eight-years-and-no-end-in-sight Iraq War; the 
covert wars in Pakistan and Yemen; and most recently, the 
'time-limited, scope-limited kinetic military action' in Libya."

Whether they are paying off or not in terms of national security or 
the domestic good, certain vested interests work to prolong these 
wars. When California failed to pass Proposition 19 in the last 
election (full legalization of marijuana), two platoons of lobbyists 
were mobilized to defeat the issue: the liquor lobby and the prison 
employees' unions.

A third interest group was the army of prosecutors and defense 
attorneys who process this flood of humanity through the largest 
prison system in the world. With 5% of global population, the U.S. 
houses 25% of the world's prisoners -- 2.3 million. Drug offenders 
compose about half of this total. At an annual average cost of 
$22,000 per prisoner, many states near bankruptcy are now wholesale 
paroling some of the most violent and dangerous prisoners. Scaling 
back the war on drugs, or at least decriminalization of marijuana, 
would be a far better solution.

But the War on Drugs is peanuts compared to the foreign wars and 
entanglements we're mired in: the Iraq and Afghan wars now cost $12 
billion per month, compounding the $1.2 trillion total so far. Rather 
than reversing George Bush's "shoot first, ask questions later" 
foreign policy as promised, Obama has expanded the war into Libya, 
Yemen and maybe Pakistan eventually.

The 60-day grace period for executive military action without 
congressional consultation granted by the War Powers Act has ended. 
Obama's claim that we're not really engaged in "hostilities" there, 
despite spending $10 million per day, is another egregious instance 
of the Orwellian Newspeak started by George Bush to evade legal 
restrictions ("enemy combatant," "unitary executive," "enhanced 

Republicans who mostly goose-stepped behind Bush's illegal invasion 
of Iraq are now up in arms against Obama's illegal adventure, while 
Democrats who opposed Bush's muscular foreign policy are now mostly 
in lockstep behind their man -- a pathetically political Jekyll-and-Hyde dance.

There are, however, a few pols with principles beyond knee-jerk party 
loyalty: Reps. Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) and Walter Jones (R-NC, who 
opposed Bush's foreign policy) have filed a joint complaint in the 
U.S. District Court of Columbia challenging the legality of Obama's 
Libyan intervention.

Their stance is buttressed by many "paleo-conservatives" -- Pat 
Buchanan, Ron Paul, Justin Raimondo, Lew Rockwell -- who lament the 
hijacking of traditional GOP non-interventionism by the gung-ho 
Neo-con chickenhawks. Their disastrous influence in both parties is 
thankfully waning now along with the realization that we can no 
longer afford the extravagance of a vast military empire (700 bases 
strung across the globe). We account for nearly one-half of total 
global military spending, and a whopping lot of it is riddled with 
contractor fraud, obsolete, or completely useless. For instance, as 
Pat Buchanan asks: Why are we still funding expensive bases in 
Germany, Japan and Korea over 50 years after those wars ended? It's 
absurd: Time for them to pay for their own defense.

Of course, the Pentagon never wants to give up a base -- the more the 
better, in strictly military terms. But at some point there has to be 
a serious cost-benefit analysis, which the Pentagon abhors, having 
never passed an audit and under Donald Rumsfeld's tenure simply 
"lost" an astounding $3 trillion.

This kind of fiscal hemorrhaging, and the erosion of Constitutional 
prerogatives in matters of war, is what Eisenhower warned about. 
Republicans like to cite Reagan as the greatest GOP president of 
modern times, but I'll take Ike, who guided the victory in World War 
II, presided over the greatest era of peace and prosperity in our 
history (he didn't let the Korean war drag on interminably, and made 
corporate taxes fund 25% of the federal budget), and had the courage 
and wisdom to criticize the military culture that nurtured his 
career. I'll close with a few of his warnings and observations that 
we would do well to heed now:

"In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition 
of unwarranted influence... by the military-industrial complex. The 
potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist."

"The problem in defense is how far you can go without destroying from 
within what you're trying to defend from without."

"We will bankrupt ourselves in the vain search for absolute security."

"I hate war as only a soldier who has lived it can, only as one who 
has seen its brutality, its futility, its stupidity."
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MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom