Pubdate: Mon, 29 Aug 2011
Source: Alberni Valley Times (CN BC)
Copyright: 2011 Alberni Valley Times
Author: Shayne Morrow


Port Alberni RCMP are waiting for the result of
an autopsy following the death of a 21-year-old man Thursday morning.

Police said the man was found dead on a bench
outside the Port Alberni Shelter at 8 a.m. on Aug
25. Detachment spokesman, Sgt. Ken Cooper said he
had very little information on the circumstances surrounding the death.

Until we have something from the medical
examiner, it's a `Who knows?=92=94 Cooper said. =93It
is believed drugs could have been a contributing factor.=94

Cooper added that there was no physical evidence
at the scene, such as drug paraphernalia, that
would indicate a drug overdose or foul play, but
witness statements indicate the victim was known to consume drugs.

Still, the death of someone so young has the
community discussing a growing problem with
drugs, including an apparent spike in
prescription medication. Shelter executive
director Wes Hewitt said he could not confirm
whether the young man was or was not a resident.

That's the way we operate. We try to stay very
respective of people's rights,=94 Hewitt said.

Speaking in general terms, Cooper said the drug
scene on Port Alberni streets hasn't changed much in recent years.

There are a lot of different drugs. Crack cocaine
is very popular, and you can get regular
cocaine,=94 he said. =93[Marijuana] is extremely
common, and we do see a lot of pills =AD morphine pills, in particular.=94

But the injection of prescription narcotics like
OxyContin hasn't gained the popularity seen in other jurisdiction, Cooper

I've been here eight months, and I=92ve only seen one arrest,=94 he said.

At Phoenix House, Ron Robinson said he was aware
of the death, and wishes he could convince young
people of the dangers of drug use.

I've been clean from crack cocaine for six years.
It cost me two brain surgeries,=94 he said,
explaining that one surgery was the result of
head injury and the other was to remove brain tissue damaged by the drugs.

What scares me is that the kids are getting
younger and younger, doing this stuff,=94 Robinson
said. =93And what I've been seeing, besides crack,
is the number of people on prescription
medications =AD especially methadone =AD who drink alcohol on top of it.=94

Robinson said what he fears now, with rumours
swirling on social media, is that Thursday's death may trigger further

I don't want to see someone reacting by saying,
`That's so sad =AD I=92m going to pop some pills and drink some
 alcohol,'=94 he said.

Cooper said a toxicology report has been ordered,
but could take up to several weeks.
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MAP posted-by: Keith Brilhart