Pubdate: Thu, 17 Nov 2011 Source: Alberni Valley Times (CN BC) Copyright: 2011 N.B. dewaal Contact: Details: Author: N.B. dewaal LONGER SENTENCES ARE NOT MAKING US SAFER Re: "Longer sentences help keep public safer," (Alberni Valley Times, Nov. 14) I read this letter from Ana Porzecanski with incredulity. In her first sentence, she says the punishment should fit the crime and then she encourages blanket sentencing for crime. How that makes the punishment fit the crime is anyone's guess. Pedophiles getting less time than someone growing five marijuana plants? Hmm, it seems that Ana and King Stephen have no idea what real crime is. Longer sentences have never had any impact on crime rates. A quick look at circumstances in the U.S. should be enough to convince anyone. With crime rates the lowest in years and with the economic situation we have in B.C. and in Canada this is the last thing we need downloaded onto the provincial budget. Prepare for huge cuts to health and education, where in my opinion if we spent more money in these areas we would have a lower crime rate. N.B. dewaal Port Alberni - --- MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom