Pubdate: Fri, 02 Dec 2011
Source: Penticton Western (CN BC)
Copyright: 2011 Penticton Western
Page: 6


As the Conservative government uses its majority powers to 
effectively silence debate on the Safe Streets and Communities Act, 
the growing call for measures that would actually make our streets 
safer continues to fall on deaf ears in Ottawa.

Last week, five Vancouver mayors past and present joined the chorus 
"" one that includes police chiefs, economists and politicians of all 
political stripes "" to overturn Canada's marijuana prohibition.

"oeMarijuana prohibition is "" without question "" a failed policy. 
It is creating violent, gang-related crime in our communities and 
fear among our citizens, and adding financial costs for all levels of 
government at a time when we can least afford them,"  stated a letter 
from former Vancouver mayors Larry Campbell , Michael Harcourt, Sam 
Sullivan and Phillip Owen. Current Mayor Gregor Robinson has since 
added his voice to the cause.

And the cause is nothing new. Back in 1991, Nobel Prize-winning 
conservative economist Milton Friedman noted: "oeIf you look at the 
drug war from a purely economic point of view, the role of the 
government is to protect the drug cartel."

Canada's drug kingpins are no doubt relieved that Prime Minister 
Stephen Harper is in no hurry to end that protection. He was quick to 
rule out any consideration of changing the government's stance on 
marijuana "" despite polling that shows the vast majority of 
Canadians disagree.

One need look no further than Canada's stance on tobacco "" a drug 
most health experts contend is far more dangerous than marijuana. 
Tobacco use has witnessed a sharp and steady decline over the past 50 
years. And this was achieved without building one more prison to 
house chain-smokers, but rather through a government commitment to 
education and regulation.

The government can fill the countryside with bigger and better 
prisons, but until the Conservatives begin to focus on the problem 
instead of ideology, the criminals will only get richer.
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MAP posted-by: Keith Brilhart