Pubdate: Thu, 08 Dec 2011 Source: StarPhoenix, The (CN SN) Copyright: 2011 Nathan Holowaty Contact: Website: Details: Author: Nathan Holowaty DROP FAILED POLICY The Starphoenix recently reported that the war on drugs has claimed an astonishing 45,000-plus Mexican lives in recent years, rivalling conventional warfare deaths in countries such as Afghanistan. Undoubtedly most have been killed with U.s.-made guns, which are widespread in Mexico because illicit American arms are often traded for illegal drugs. The war on drugs has been a complete failure, failing to stop the proliferation of illicit substances globally and empowering international criminal and terrorist organizations. The vast majority of the world's heroin supply originates in Afghanistan, which is a recipe for disaster and cause for western intervention as long as an illicit market remains for the drug. Although Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul has called for an end to the war on drugs, virtually no politicians or political parties in Canada or the United States share his position. Ottawa will spend billions on new prisons and law enforcement initiatives as a result of the new omnibus crime legislation. Yet all the money being spent on enforcement and prisons flies in the face of studies done by such diverse academic organizations such as the Cato Institute in the U.S., and public groups such as the Senate special committee on illegal drugs, which in 2002 called for a rethinking of Canada's drug policy. More public figures should be advocating for regulation and taxation of drugs. It's a far better alternative to policies that have made the illegal drug trade one of the world's most profitable and vicious industries. Nathan Holowaty Saskatoon - --- MAP posted-by: Jo-D