Pubdate: Thu, 22 Dec 2011
Source: Metro (Vancouver, CN BC)
Copyright: 2011 Metro Canada
Author: Phylicia Torrevillaas
Cited: Stop the Violence BC:
Referenced: Poll: Most British Columbians disagree that cannabis is more
harmful than alcohol:


The majority of British Columbians believe alcohol is more dangerous 
than marijuana, a new Angus Reid poll suggests.

In an online survey among 800 British Columbian adults, 59 per cent 
of respondents disagreed that regular marijuana use is more harmful 
than regular alcohol use.

The poll also found that 54 per cent of B.C. residents do not agree 
that marijuana is a dangerous and addictive drug, and 51 per cent say 
they don't believe that marijuana is a "gateway" drug that can lead 
to the use of other dangerous drugs such as heroin.

Jodie Emery, wife of pot activist Marc Emery, said this new 
information proves that public support for legalization is growing 
and reinforces the need to end the current marijuana laws.

The survey commissioned by Stop the Violence B.C. - a coalition made 
up of academic, legal, law enforcement and health experts trying to 
legalize marijuana - was conducted from Sept. 7 to 9, 2011.

"The science and the evidence are all there," Emery said. "You can't 
deny the truth, and the truth is backed up by evidence and proof. 
That's something that the prohibitionists don't have."

"There's a lot more movement made on this issue and progress being 
made in the world, and it's the Canadian government that has an 
embarrassing backwards model."

She said she doesn't think Prime Minister Stephen Harper would change 
his mind regarding the anti-marijuana law, despite numerous reports 
and experts saying that marijuana prohibition is a failed policy.

"We're going to have to change the government," Emery added.

"Over time, everybody is going to be able to agree that the best way 
to deal with marijuana and drugs is to control and regulate them for 
safety and make sure that criminals aren't the ones controlling it." 
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