Pubdate: Wed, 04 Jan 2012
Source: Globe and Mail (Canada)
Copyright: 2012 The Globe and Mail Company
Author: Dawn Walton

Aboriginal Affairs


On Mistawasis First Nation, west of Prince Albert, Sask., a 
particularly troublesome resident who persisted in selling drugs was 
the first - and only - band member to be exiled under a new banishment law.

That move in 2006 served as a wakeup call to other potential 
miscreants and has not been invoked since.

"It set a precedent," said Chief Norma Johnstone, "They know the ban 
means business."

Banishment is an old way of dealing with modern problems and it has 
become the latest tool being used by aboriginal communities plagued 
by scourges such as drugs, crime and gang violence. Samson Cree 
Nation, a band in Hobbema, Alta. that became etched in the national 
consciousness as a place where children have been shot while simply 
being at homes, voted into the evening on Wednesday about whether it 
too should also adopt the ancient practice.

"Tell them to take that step," urged Ms. Johnstone.

And Samson members did just that, but turnout was low and the support 
was not overwhelmingly in favour.

The results showed 479 people supported the new eviction regulation 
while 370 voted against it.

The bylaw still needs to be approved by Ottawa to come into force. 
Neighbouring band councils were watching to vote closely and could 
well follow suit, according to some Samson Cree officials.

Samson, which is one of four reserves that make up Hobbema, south of 
Edmonton, is rich with energy resources. It has about 7,500 members, 
many of them young, and once they turn 18, they can tap into trust 
funds stuffed with oil royalties. It is home to more people who are 
not working than those who are. Substance abuse and crime is a 
fixture of life.

Band officials have been talking about holding such a vote for years, 
but it was only in October that a resolution was passed to go ahead 
with a referendum that would oust those who "present a danger to the 
health or safety of the community."

The impetus truly came after Chief Marvin Yellowbird's five-year-old 
grandson, Ethan Yellowbird, died as he slept in his bed after a stray 
bullet blasted through the wall in July, 2011. The boy's next door 
neighbour, 23-year-old Chelsea Yellowbird, who was at a known gang 
house, was shot to death two months later. In 2008, 23-month-old Asia 
Saddleback was eating dinner at her grandfather's house when she was 
hit by a bullet that remains lodged in her spine. An 18-year-old gang 
member, who told the court he used his $40,000 royalty cheque on 
drugs and booze, was later sentenced to 13 years in prison related to 
Asia's shooting and other offences.

About 2,500 people were eligible to vote as polling stations were set 
up on the reserve and also for far-flung members in Edmonton and 
Calgary. Officials are optimistic the vote will have an impact.

"It's going to hold people accountable for their actions," said 
Councillor Kirk Buffalo, who speaks on behalf of the band.

The "residency" bylaw would allow any 25 residents to apply to have a 
troublemaker evicted. The RCMP would have the authority to help 
remove that person. And anyone who harbours someone who is banished 
could themselves be kicked out.

"We don't expect that it will be a be all and end all," said RCMP 
Staff Sergeant Robin Alexander, who is one of 42 officers based at 
Hobbema, "It's just a small part of what the community is trying to 
do to enhance the safety of people living here."

New lighting has been installed, brush has been cleared away and 
derelict buildings have been closed. A community task force has been set up.

Carmen Saddleback, whose older sister was killed on the reserve, 
worries the bylaw will be used by some to claim newly-vacated houses 
and argues it doesn't force parents to do a better job.

"It's kind of iffy," the 25-year-old said, "I kind of agree with it 
and I kind of don't." 
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