Pubdate: Thu, 05 Jan 2012 Source: Standard-Examiner (UT) Copyright: 2012 Ogden Publishing Corporation Contact: Details: IN THE LINE OF DUTY We extend our deepest sympathies to the family of Ogden police officer, Jared Francom, killed on Wednesday night while performing his duties as a member of the Weber Morgan Narcotics Strike Force. While 12 officers were serving a search warrant in Ogden, a suspect, Matthew Davis Stewart, 37, opened fire on the officers. Francom and five other officers were hit. The wounded officers -- whose conditions range from serious to critical -- are Shawn Grogan, Kasey Burrell and Michael Rounkles of the Ogden department, Sgt. Nate Hutchinson of the Weber County Sheriff's Office, and Jason VanderWarf of the Roy Police Department. Stewart, who was also shot, is in custody. The "knock-and-announce" search warrant occurred at 8:40 p.m. What occurred this week is a sobering reminder that a law enforcement officer's job always has a potential danger. Those who protect us while we sit comfortably in our homes at night are expected to toil with the understanding that weapons may be turned on them at any time. Francom is the first Ogden police officer to be killed in the line of duty since 1963, when Detective Sgt. Marshall White was killed. Francom was a seven-year veteran of the department and leaves behind a wife and two young children. On Thursday, flags in Ogden were at half-staff. When Francom's memorial service occurs, flags will be lowered to half-staff across the state. Today, parents mourn for their slain son, a wife mourns for her slain husband and two young children cry for a dad who will never be able to hold them again. We must hold those whom we love, give hugs to our children, and thank our Heavenly Father that we have men and women willing to give their lives to make our communities, and our lives, safer. - --- MAP posted-by: Jo-D