Pubdate: Tue, 17 Jan 2012 Source: National Post (Canada) Copyright: 2012 Canwest Publishing Inc. Contact: Website: Details: Author: Chris Selley, Columnist IT'S A PERILOUS - AND POLITICAL - ROAD FROM EVIDENCE TO POLICY Too much is being made of Liberals voting 77% in favour, at this past weekend's convention, to legalize marijuana. It is an excellent idea, and the resolution ticks all the correct boxes by way of justifying it: marijuana's widespread and safe use, revenue savings and generation through taxation, and the fact it would make Canadians safer from criminal violence. But the Liberals set off down this road in government twice, and never even made it to decriminalization. This is a non-binding resolution by a third party to do something somewhat more ambitious than it declined to do when it was the first party. The Liberals' second decriminalization bill died with Paul Martin's government, and there has been near radio silence on the matter from the leader's office ever since. Stephane Dion steered clear of the issue. Michael Ignatieff cautiously admitted some interest in decriminalization, though he advised an audience of high school students in St. John's against "parking your life on the end of a marijuana cigarette." Bob Rae opposed the legalization resolution, and warned after its passage of "practical questions" in implementing it - that's if he or a future leader chose to implement it, of course, which he wouldn't have to and likely wouldn't do. Mr. Rae's reticence is telling, considering his stated belief that the War on Drugs is a disaster and considering the Liberals reportedly spent much of the weekend discussing the idea of "evidence-based policy." It's a pithy phrase designed to distinguish themselves from the census-cancelling, criminologist-deriding, climate change-denying Conservatives. And it's an entirely worthy goal. The problem is that many Liberals present themselves as having already accomplished it. Ask a Liberal MP about climate change, harm reduction, crime policy or the long-form census, and chances are pretty good you'll hear that the Liberals are the party of science. "I will never knowingly allow politics to trump science," Liberal MP and potential leadership candidate Marc Garneau wrote in September. "Even if a particular policy position supported strongly by the evidence is way back in the polls, what's important is a conviction to fight for it until the public sees its truth," former Liberal MP Mark Holland told Maclean's John Geddes over the weekend. What absolute twaddle. This is the party whose health critic, Ujjal Dosanjh, co-authored an op-ed last year with fellow MP Kirsty Duncan pimping Paolo Zamboni's liberation treatment for multiple sclerosis and demanding the government fund clinical trials. They accused the Canadian Institutes of Health Research of striking an expert working group that was hopelessly biased against the Zamboni treatment, and that contained "no experts, no experience, and many undeclared conflicts of interests" - presumably with pharmaceutical companies, though the MPs weren't courageous enough to specify. (Amusingly, the expert working group ended up recommending clinical trials.) This is a party that did nothing about climate change. But "it was not because it didn't recognize the scientific evidence," Mr. Garneau protested in September. The "mistake was not acting soon enough on what [the government] knew to be the truth." The functional difference is difficult to discern. And hang on - isn't it morally worse to do nothing in full appreciation of the consequences than in ignorance? This is a party that ignores the modest crime-fighting case to be made for the long-gun registry in favour of shameless, hyper-emotional exploitation of the Ecole Polytechnique victims and, with respect to falling crime rates, the deliberate misrepresentation of correlation as causation. Mr. Holland is a man who, in 2009, stood up in the House of Commons and argued that the Conservatives should support the registry simply because the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police supports it. "To me," he said, "the debate should end there." For the record, I think the Conservatives are somewhat worse than the Liberals when it comes to evidence-based policymaking. But we are dealing with levels of badness so far beneath acceptability that the distinction barely merits mention. In practice, the best we can likely hope for is a return to evidence-justified policy making. As in, here is the policy our pollster recommended, and here is some evidence we cobbled together to justify it. Sometimes, as with crime policy, the Conservatives don't even bother with that. Chances are, though, that no mountain of evidence is ever going to contradict the man from the polling company, in any party, unless and until Canadian politics gets a lot less dumb than it is right now. Trying to make it smarter would be a welcome and worthy goal for the Liberals. But as Mr. Rae illustrated with his comments on marijuana, the road from evidence to policy will always be long, perilous and political. To pretend otherwise is to insult Canadians' intelligence. - --- MAP posted-by: Richard R Smith Jr.