Pubdate: Fri, 27 Jan 2012
Source: Detroit News (MI)
Copyright: 2012 The Detroit News
Author: Kim Kozlowski, The Detroit News 


Detroit- Former Michigan Attorney General Mike Cox admitted Friday he 
smoked pot when he was in high school during the 1970s. But during a 
symposium on the impact of marijuana reform, Cox stressed there are 
practical problems in legalizing marijuana, and that's why he wouldn't 
support changes some activists in Michigan are seeking.

"I am not for it mostly because I don't know how you regulate common, 
everyday things such as driving while impaired," said Cox, a 
Republican. "If it becomes legal, I don't think I'll ever use it 
again. That being said, philosophically I am not against it. They 
haven't come up with a good way to regulate in the workplace or 
driving to measure it and deal with it."

Cox was the keynote speaker at a daylong symposium held Friday to 
explore the social, economic, health and legal impacts of marijuana 
reform, held at Wayne State University's Law School.

During his speech, Cox said the Michigan Legislature needs to step up 
and address the ambiguities of the 2008 medical marijuana law, provide 
for dispensaries and create a registry. He also said there is not 
enough honest dialogue about marijuana in the country.

"Intoxicants are hard to talk about," he said.

Many in the audience embraced his comments.

"It was refreshing to hear a realistic perspective," said Jamie 
Lowell, who founded 3rd Coast Compassion Center, a dispensary in Ypsilanti.

Friday's symposium was scheduled to include national and local experts 
addressing current and proposed laws on marijuana. Panelists will 
discuss conflicts between federal and state laws, policy and enforcement.

The event comes as activists have launched a petition drive to collect 
signatures to ask voters to approve a constitutional amendment that 
would legalize marijuana for residents older than the age of 21. The 
drive by the Committee for Safer Michigan will need to collect 322,609 
signatures by July 9 to put the question on the November ballot.

Matthew Abel, campaign director, says the effort has recruited nearly 
2,000 volunteers across Michigan. He hopes the WSU forum will further 
their cause.

"I hope it will educate people how and why prohibition doesn't work, 
won't work and needs to be repealed," Abel said.

However, Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette has depicted the 
effort as a way to legalize drugs and expects it will be fought.

"Most responsible statewide leaders will oppose the legalization of 
drugs," Schuette said earlier this month. "We are trying to rebuild 
Michigan and rebuild the economy. This petition doesn't mean more 
jobs, and it doesn't keep our communities safe."

While no state has legalized marijuana, a Gallup Poll in October 
showed a record high of support - 50 percent - for legalizing 
marijuana. In November, voters will consider the issue in Colorado and 

In 2008, Michigan voters approved a law allowing marijuana for 
medicinal use. Since then, about 130,000 patients have been registered 
with the state Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs, and 
hundreds of dispensaries have opened statewide.
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