Pubdate: Wed, 01 Feb 2012
Source: Sooke News Mirror (CN BC)
Copyright: 2012 Sooke News Mirror
Author: Scott Hilderley


It appears as though a few people have taken exception to my 
suggestion that we abandon talk of legalizing marijuana and dedicate 
ourselves to the development of our community's kids so that they can 
go on and fulfill their potential. It's a shame that a such a small 
minority (albeit very vocal minority) of our population are pouring 
so much energy into pushing for the legalization of this harmful substance.

We know that the overwhelming majority of people in Sooke do not use 
marijuana. We know that most families don't sit around the dinner 
table chasing their pork roast with a joint. We know that they don't 
pass a bong around Ayre Manor, nor do they encourage kids to smoke 
marijuana at any of our great learning institutions in Sooke. This is 
a community that has invested in protecting the future of our youth 
by encouraging them to make smart, healthy choices, and we are better 
as a result.

Yes, there is a small percentage of the population who have been 
diagnosed with such terrible debilitating ailments that physicians 
have seen fit to prescribe marijuana to help battle pain or stimulate 
appetite. My heart bleeds for these folks, that their quality of life 
has deteriorated to the point where the use of this substance is 
necessary, but when I've had discussions with some of them, even they 
have said that they do not wish for marijuana to be legal for any 
other non-medicinal reason.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but everyone is not 
entitled to their own facts. Marijuana has been proven to have over 
400 chemicals, negatively effect the immune system, the respiratory 
system, and impair judgement and coordination ( ). 
Studies are now linking marijuana use to a variety of mental 
disorders including acute toxic psychosis, delusions, panic attacks, 
depersonalization and paranoia... which may help to explain the 
accusation that marijuana prohibition is a giant police-led 
government conspiracy to keep us employed. Anybody who has ever had 
intimate knowledge of what a front line police officer does would 
never say such a thing.

I would love to subscribe to the notion that organized crime could be 
eliminated simply by legalizing marijuana, but the truth is that it 
wouldn't matter. A great deal of the trafficking done by the 
organized crime element takes place with international partners, and 
would continue to thrive regardless of the legal status of marijuana 
here at home. And they don't stop with marijuana. Ecstasy, cocaine, 
heroin, meth, and whatever drug is waiting to be invented in the 
future. They would get it to our kids without blinking a self 
conscious eye, unless our kids were supported in making smart 
decisions. The answer is not found in legalizing everything.

I visited the "LEAP" (Law Enforcement Against Prohibition) website, 
and one of the first things that you read is that they believe that 
ALL drugs should be legalized. "Educators for Sensible Drug Policy" 
feel the same way. I understand that this is a tiny group of law 
enforcement officials and educators who feel beaten down by the 
horrors they've seen as a result of drug use. I have felt that way at 
times myself. After 26 years of policing, my head is full of horrific 
memories relating to drug abuse (marijuana included) that could have 
been avoided with smart decision making. But the answer is not to 
give up. If we all devoted our energy to helping our kids make 
healthy choices, then our world would be a better place.

We're fortunate here in Sooke, because so many are already working on 
this, and I give my heartfelt thanks to the countless men, women and 
families who continue to do this. I would also like to thank the many 
who have e-mailed me with their support  and I welcome contact from anyone 
who would like to discuss other opportunities to help our kids thrive.

Cpl. Scott Hilderley

RCMP Drugs and Organized Crime Awareness Service
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