Pubdate: Tue, 07 Feb 2012
Source: Manchester Enterprise (MI)
Copyright: 2012 Heritage Newspapers, a Journal Register Property
Author: David Veselenak
Referenced: Manchester medical marijuana ordinance:


The Manchester Village Council approved a medical marijuana ordinance
at its Monday meeting after several moratoriums in the southwest
Washtenaw County village.

The ordinance allows for some home-based businesses in the village,
and does not allow for dispensaries. The ordinance would allow the
home-based occupation to operate as a permitted, rather than
conditional use, as discussed at the previous village council meeting.

The vote was 7-0 for the ordinance. Trustee Dana Andrews was the only
council member that showed some hesitation before voting "yes."

Caregivers must adhere to specific rules while operating in the
village, including shielding lights during the nighttime hours,
limiting the number of patients being treated at the same time and
keeping at least 1,000 feet away from any school building in the village.

Village Manager Jeff Wallace said conditions for the ordinance may
require a revisit, since there is much discussion on the bill in Lansing.

"It will be interesting if the legislature (changes) it," he said.
"It's changing every couple months."

The ordinance has gone through several reviews over the last year.
Last spring, the Planning Commission axed dispensaries from the
ordinance, allowing only a home-based occupation. After the Planning
Commission recommended not allowing dispensaries, the Michigan Court
of Appeals ruled last year dispensaries were not allowed in the state
after a challenge from Isabella County.

Manchester joins several other Washtenaw County communities in having
a medical marijuana ordinance, including Ann Arbor, Ypsilanti and Dexter.
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MAP posted-by: Richard R Smith Jr.