Pubdate: Thu, 09 Feb 2012
Source: North Wind, The (Northern MI U, MI Edu)
Copyright: 2012 The North Wind


Legalizing marijuana in Michigan would help the state economy and
citizens. A group of Michigan citizens hope to accomplish this by
gathering enough signatures to put a marijuana legalization initiative
on the 2012 voting ballot.

When a product that consumers want in large quantities is made
illegal, the product will be sold in black markets regardless of
legality. Whether or not the product is harmful, the product will go
untaxed by the government, resulting in the loss of potential tax
revenue. Marijuana is no different.

The U.S. is estimated to lose more than $1 billion annually in tax
revenues because of marijuana prohibition, according to
According to CNN figures, Michigan loses approximately $32 million
each year in lost tax revenues for the same reason. This lost tax
revenue could be spent on things Michigan citizens need, like schools,
bridges and health care.

Michigan spends about $35,000 per prisoner annually to hold them in
prison. With five percent of Michigan inmates behind bars for
marijuana charges, Michigan taxpayers pay around $85 million per year
to keep marijuana users off the street.

Not only does Michigan lose money in lost tax revenues from marijuana
prohibition, Michigan also loses money by using taxpayer funds to keep
many non-violent marijuana users off the streets. Legalizing marijuana
in Michigan would reverse the negative economic effects associated
with criminalizing marijuana.

Michigan could tax marijuana, adding $32 million in new state revenue
that could be spent on the dire needs of Michigan citizens. Michigan
would also save $85 million associated with locking up marijuana users
in Michigan. This is a total of $117 million in new state revenue that
didn't exist under marijuana prohibition.

Critics of marijuana legalization efforts say marijuana is bad for a
person's health and for that reason alone and should remain illegal.
This hasn't been proven conclusively.

Marijuana's main component, THC, has been found to inhibit the cell
growth of various tumors in rats. Even more recently, a University of
California-San Francisco study found that marijuana smokers didn't
have the same reduced lung function that occurs in tobacco smokers.

Whether you smoke pot or not, marijuana legalization will bring money
into the state's treasury and also let marijuana users contribute to
society by paying taxes instead of being thrown into prison.

If Michigan wants to start fixing its struggling economy, legalizing
would be a first large step in the right direction.
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MAP posted-by: Richard R Smith Jr.