Pubdate: Wed, 15 Feb 2012 Source: Fort Collins Coloradoan (CO) Copyright: 2012 The Fort Collins Coloradoan Contact: Website: Details: MARIJUANA AN ONGOING DEBATE IN COLORADO Ban in Fort Collins Only One Chapter As State Considers Substance's Role A chapter, but not necessarily the book, has been closed on medical marijuana in Fort Collins. Tuesday was the deadline for closure of medical marijuana dispensaries in Fort Collins following a voter-approved ban in November. Like any novel, the tale of medical marijuana has had its share of twists and turns. In 2000, Colorado voters approved a constitutional amendment allowing medical marijuana, but the amendment did not include specifics about regulating the substance - a substance that still was considered illegal in the eyes of the federal government. For nearly nine years in Colorado, the topic rarely was discussed as most people who used medical marijuana relied on the caregiver model, which limited use and distribution. But in 2009, the Obama administration released a memo that many believe indicated it would not seek to prosecute medical marijuana users. Many in the industry believed they were free to operate without risk of prosecution. Soon thereafter, a burgeoning industry arose in Colorado as the dispensary model took hold, and thousands sought access. But this was a Colorado industry with few rules. Soon, lawmakers stepped in to set up regulations. But some cities, counties and towns balked at the idea of state control and turned to local voters for the final decision on the dispensary model. Such was the case in Fort Collins, where strong, organized support and opposition was found for and against dispensaries. In the end, voters approved a ban. Dispensaries sought an injunction, but a judge last week ruled that the challenge to the ban was invalid. Ballot issues on marijuana likely will be considered this fall in our state. More cases are likely to be decided in the courts. In the eyes of the federal government, marijuana is a Schedule 1 controlled substance. In Colorado, an amendment says it is a legal substance for medical purposes. While Fort Collins has joined dozens of other communities in enacting a ban, the book on marijuana in Colorado remains unfinished. - --- MAP posted-by: Richard R Smith Jr.